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Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

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@patrician Thank you patrician and Amir

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

Patricia N.
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Confirmed: Biden Lied About Israeli ‘Proposal’; Right-wing Ministers Threaten to Quit:

Reactions from parties in Israel’s governing coalition confirmed Saturday that U.S. President Joe Biden lied to the world when he claimed a proposal for a ceasefire and hostage deal had come from the Israeli government.

As Breitbart News reported, Biden presented a three-part proposal on Friday and claimed, four times, that it was Israel’s proposal.

Biden waited until the onset of the Jewish Sabbath to make his remarks, making it more difficult for the Israeli government to respond. Notably, the proposal did not call for the destruction or disarmament of Hamas, and Biden told Israelis in his speech that they could not expect “total victory.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued two separate statements indicating that Biden’s proposal was not, in fact, Israel’s proposal. Former President Barack Obama let slip that the proposal was actually Biden’s, and not Israel’s proposal.

Hamas, however, reacted favorably, since the deal would allow the terror group to survive.

As the Sabbath ended, two of the right-wing parties in Netanyahu’s coalition blasted the deal and said they would not be part of any government that allowed Hamas to survive the war, nor agree to a deal that would do the same.

It was a confirmation that the so-called Israeli “proposal” had not, in fact, been proposed by the Israeli government at all.

Biden’s intent appears to have been to box Israel into a deal that Hamas would have approved, making it harder for Israel to reject it.

Rather than claiming credit for the proposal, he presented it as if it had come from Israel, which would serve to undermine trust between Netanyahu and the right-wing parties in his coalition, bringing down the Israeli government.   

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Amir Tsarfati:

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

Meanwhile, in a demonstration against Israel, New Yorkers hold up a sign to kill the abductees immediately.
Prime Minister Netanyahu at the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Security Committee: "I am not ready to stop the war. I will not describe the details of the deal here, but what the President of the United States described is not accurate, there are other details that have not been revealed. We can stop the fighting for 42 days for the purpose of returning hostages but we will not give up on a complete victory”. The Prime Minister refused to talk about the number of terrorists who will be released in the deal.
Northern Israel’s city of Kiryat Shmona is burning. Our leaders must get their act together!
The Golan Heights are on fire.
Hezbollah is well aware of the unusual heat wave and fires rockets to open areas so it will set fires.
Unconfirmed reports on the finding of more bodies of hostages in Gaza. IDF spokesman will deliver a briefing soon.
There is a surge in rumors that Asma Assad, the wife of the Syrian president Shah, has died from leukemia.
No official confirmation.
Over 15 fires in the Galilee and the Golan.
Report: Great Britain, Germany and France submitted a condemnation proposal against Iran's nuclear program in the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
The Biden Administration is angry with…. Europe!
Obama is running the show.

Patricia N.
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UN experts urge all countries to recognise Palestinian statehood:

GENEVA, June 3 (Reuters) - A group of United Nations experts called on Monday for all countries to recognise a Palestinian state to ensure peace in the Middle East.

The call came less than a week after Spain, Ireland and Norway officially recognised a Palestinian state, prompting anger from Israel, which has found itself increasingly isolated after nearly eight months of war in Gaza.

The experts, including the U.N. Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in the Palestinian territories, said recognition of a Palestinian state was an important acknowledgement of the rights of the Palestinian people and their struggle towards freedom and independence.

"This is a pre-condition for lasting peace in Palestine and the entire Middle East – beginning with the immediate declaration of a ceasefire in Gaza and no further military incursions into Rafah," they said.

"A two-state solution remains the only internationally agreed path to peace and security for both Palestine and Israel and a way out of generational cycles of violence and resentment."
Israel's Foreign Ministry did not respond immediately to a request for comment.

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@patrician Step right up, folks.  Right this way, to the Valley of Jehoshaphat.

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@patrician It boils down to the international community versus The Lord Almighty. This consensus among nations may possibly help to provide fodder for the Gog Magog invasion in Ezekiel 38.

Patricia N.
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Leading rabbi warns mass exodus of Jews from Europe to Israel may be imminent:

More than 100 Jewish community leaders and pro-Israel organization heads from across Europe gathered Monday in Amsterdam for an emergency meeting organized by the European Jewish Association (EJA).

The purpose of the meeting was to develop actionable strategies to combat the rising tide of antisemitic harassment and hate speech that has surged since the deadly Hamas terror attack on October 7.

EJA Chairman Rabbi Menachem Margolin opened the meeting with a stark message. "We are in a fight for the continuation of Jewish life in Europe," he said. "Jews wearing traditional clothing or displaying mezuzahs on their doors are facing relentless harassment. Jewish students are receiving threats on their lives and being excluded from university courses, while hate graffiti defaces Jewish homes, synagogues and cemeteries without any deterrent."

"Over the next two days, we will formulate plans to combat antisemitism on all fronts: political, legal, public and by enhancing community and personal security," Rabbi Margolin added. "However, this may not be enough.

Therefore, Israel urgently needs to develop a practical contingency plan to welcome European Jews. Unfortunately, this is no longer a hypothetical situation but a real existential threat that European governments are either failing to address or are unwilling to tackle with the necessary determination."

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

Biden took Hamas's offer for a ceasefire and presented it as Israel's offer.
How do I know that?
Israel never agreed to an end of the war before the elimination of Hamas!
Now he is bringing it to the UNSC to compel Israeli capitulation to Hamas.
This is a total betrayal.
Biden to the Emir of Qatar: "Israel agreed to the conditions for a ceasefire and the release of hostages"
Why is Biden lying?!! Israel agreed to NEGOTIATE the conditions of a ceasefire, but they didn't agree to it! Biden is doing everything he can publicly to tie Israel's hands.
In 1944, the Red Cross said there was no extermination in Auschwitz.
Today, they claim no weapons or hostages in Gaza hospitals. What do you think?
Spain said they would open an embassy in Ramallah in the West Bank after recognizing the Palestine as a state.
They are now walking back on it after it turned out that their diplomats want to stay in Israel because it’s “safer” and has “higher quality of life.”
Israeli war cabinet may decide tonight to go to war against Hezbollah.
For the first time: an Israeli government decision to replace UNRWA in Jerusalem.

Tomorrow, at the celebratory meeting on the occasion of Jerusalem Day, the government will approve a proposed resolution that will identify alternatives to the activities of the UNRWA agency in the capital. The decision was formulated by the Ministry of Jerusalem Affairs, headed by Minister Meir Porush, according to Prime Minister Netanyahu's directive.
The decision will say "we decide to task the Ministry of Jerusalem and Israel Tradition to act to provide alternative solutions to the services provided today by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) in East Jerusalem, and this, including in the field of health and the field of education."
The background for the decision is the agency's involvement in terrorism and its close ties with Hamas. It should be noted that last week the Knesset simultaneously approved three proposals in a preliminary reading to end ties between Israel and the problematic agency.
(Ariel Kahana)
The Swiss parliament voted yesterday against a bill to recognize Palestine as an independent state. Swiss Foreign Minister: "The state of Palestine is existential damage to the free world. Now I ask the countries of the world, do you want Iran 2.0? Think before you make terrorist statements."

Patricia N.
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When The Ark Of The Covenant Is Finally Revealed To The World, It Will Be The Greatest Archaeological Bombshell In History:

When the entire planet finally gets to see the Ark of the Covenant, it is going to change everything.  The Ark of the Covenant disappeared from history more than 2,500 years ago, and many historians are convinced that it no longer exists.  So when it is finally unveiled, it will be the greatest archaeological bombshell in human history.  Over the years, there have been a lot of truly outlandish theories about the location of the Ark of the Covenant, and those that have pursued such theories have always come up empty.  That is because the true location of the Ark is not a mystery.  As you will see below, the Temple Institute says that it knows “exactly” where it is, and I believe them.

There is no object that archaeologists would like to find more than the Ark of the Covenant.  It was created more than 3,000 years ago, and the tablets on which the Ten Commandments were written are literally housed within it

This legendary artifact is the ornate, gilded case said to have been built some 3,000 years ago by the Israelites to house the stone tablets on which the Ten Commandments were written.  Biblical accounts describe the Ark as large, about the size of a 19th-century seaman’s chest, made of gold-plated wood, and topped with two large, golden angels. It was carried using poles inserted through rings on its sides.

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, since nobody has seen the Ark in more than 2,500 years, “most historians” believe that the Ark “either disintegrated over time or was destroyed”

All of those “historians” are going to be quite surprised when the Ark of the Covenant is unveiled for the entire world to see.

The last time that anyone saw the Ark was more than 2,500 years ago.  After the Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BC, the Ark completely disappeared from history

But the Babylonians did not capture the Ark.  So what happened to it?  Many believe that it was hidden under the city of Jerusalem at some point prior to the Babylonian conquest. And apparently, it is still sitting under the city of Jerusalem today.

It is one thing to know where the Ark is, but actually getting it out from where it is hidden will be another matter entirely.  As investigative archaeologist Harry Moskoff has accurately noted, getting approval from all of the necessary authorities would not be easy…

While some claim to have evidence that the ark is in Ethiopia, and of course, moviegoers were treated to a fanciful version of the story in “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” in reality, the expression “lost” ark is not an accurate description for the Jewish people’s point of view – because we have always known exactly where it is. So the Ark is “Hidden,” and hidden quite well, but it is not lost.

Moskoff is completely convinced that the Ark is sitting there ready to be revealed.  In fact, he believes that the Ark is directly behind a gigantic 570-ton stone that was specifically placed there to protect it

There is actually an ancient Jewish document entitled “Treatise of the Vessels” that says that the Ark of the Covenant will not be revealed “until the day of the coming of the Messiah”

We are certainly living in the days just before the return of the Lord Jesus Christ, and as I discussed in my latest book, I believe that it won’t be too long before the Ark is finally revealed.   

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Amir Tsarfati:

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