In the comment section: I am in shock that Turkey just sent 100 naval vessels to the Med! Something is most definitely going to go wrong. All these ships crammed in one small body of water. Another posted There’s almost 65 ships already there - Fair Use - - Fair Use - Amir posted on his telegram … I am calling upon all Jews around the world to reconsider staying where they are and start planning on moving to Israel. - Fair Use - Yikes! Now?! No no! They shouldn't move to Israel now!! It's too dangerous right now! People should wait! That is an enormous proposal Amir is making to all Jews. The only safety in this world today is in the Name of the Lord. Father, may Your will be done for each Jewish individual or family, in Jesus Name. :bible :rose: Amir Tsarfati: What is the drug found in Hamas terrorists? A powerful drug was found in the pockets of Hamas terrorists who participated in the attack against Israel. The drug, also called "Jihad drug" was also used by the terrorists of the ISIS organization. Captagon is a powerful stimulant reportedly found in the pockets of dead or captured Hamas terrorists who attacked Israel on October 7. Captagon is an amphetamine (a stimulant drug that acts on the neurotransmitters) originally created in the 1960s in Germany to combat ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and narcolepsy (sleeping disorder). while stimulating the central nervous system. Most countries stopped using captagon in 1986 due to its addictive properties and negative effects. But its popularity remains strong in the Middle East despite the drug being banned by Middle Eastern governments. "It has become very popular for the leaders of various terrorist organizations to give them to people, first of all, to break them mentally and indoctrinate them, and in particular before operations because it makes them more hyperactive, more cruel and merciless." A lot of charlatan “Bible teachers” are using the violence and chaos in our world to sow even more despair and panic among Christians by attacking the pre-tribulation rapture. The Bible in 2 Peter chapter 3 is talking exactly about people like that. The promise of the rapture prior to the judgment of God on this evil world is as attacked and ridiculed today as the idea was of a coming flood following the closing of the ark’s doors in the days of Noah. Muslim mob in Dagestan, part of Russia, is man-hunting in airports and shopping malls for Jews ! Zombies on steroids. U N B E L I E V A B L E ! ! Israeli Ambassador Declares UN Has ‘Completely Lost’ Its Legitimacy Gilad made the comments Sunday morning on Fox News in reaction to a vote by the U.N. General Assembly approving a resolution calling for a ceasefire in Israel that didn’t mention either Hamas or the 229 hostages currently in Gaza. “I’ve been serving there [the U.N.] for three years, but I would have never dreamt that after a massacre–nearly 1,500 babies and women and the elderly–the U.N. cannot even unite to condemn a designated terrorist organization similar to ISIS or even to the Nazis,” Gilad said. “It is something that is truly unfathomable.” “I believe the U.N. on Friday completely lost its legitimacy, its relevance,” he added. “Today, not only is the U.N. not committed to preventing atrocities, it is committed to ensuring they will happen again.” DAY 23 — SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29 IDF soldiers who entered the Gaza Strip on Saturday raised the Israeli flag on one of the homes in the area, according to video shared online. A man could be heard in the video saying “Three weeks after the horrible crime, soldiers of the 52nd Battalion of the 401st Brigade lift the flag of Israel in the heart of Gaza, along the beach. We will not forget…we will not stop until victory.” This was reportedly the first time the Israeli flag has been raised in Gaza since the Disengagement in 2005. Starting on Friday night, IDF soldiers began an expanded ground entry into the Gaza Strip, reaching a number of kilometers into the coastal enclave. Clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinian terrorists in northern Gaza have continued since, with airstrikes targeting a number of locations as well. Greg Laurie: We Cannot Be Silent — God Gave The Jews This Land As A Fulfillment Of Bible Prophecy: What is happening in Israel is not about Palestine or the Palestinian people. And it is even bigger than Hamas and Israel. Plain and simple, this is about the hatred of the Jewish people. These are God’s chosen people, and Christians should be ready to support Israel. An Alarming Rise of Antisemitism It’s so shocking to see this. We have colleges like Harvard, where we have people seeking a higher education, marching in step with the false narrative that Israel is an apartheid state. I don’t think these people even know what that truly means, it’s just something that’s parroted! It is not an apartheid state. “Apartheid” became well known because of what happened in South Africa, where the black population was treated differently than the white population; the white population was favored. There is nothing of that kind going on in Israel. Arab citizens of Israel have the same rights as Jewish citizens. In fact, 20% of all citizens in Israel are Arab. In contrast, there are no Jewish people living under Palestinian rule. And to the point, Israel left Gaza. They gave it to the Palestinian people. They essentially said, “It’s all yours! We don’t want to live there, we don’t want to bother you. Have it!” And they [the Palestinians] elected the bloodthirsty terrorist organization, Hamas, to represent them. The fact is that they [the Jewish people] have always been—and always will be—God’s chosen people. But we as Christians have been “grafted in” to the promises given to the Jewish people by the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Christians Should Support Israel: Starts @ 2:06 Is Gaza the hook in the jaw? Magog is rising. Turkey getting involved with Gaza - Fair Use - Starts @ 1:48 Israel has put Russia and Turkey in the “Axis of Evil”, and declares there is no turning back - Fair Use -
The IDF scatters leaflets in Gaza with instructions to the militants on how to surrender in order to save themselves:
1. Be disarmed
2. Raise your hands
3. If you can wave a white sign.
4. Act according to IDF instructions.
5. There is no need to bring food and water with you. We will take care of that.
The pro-Nazi-Hamas Muslim mob in Dagestan (that heard rumors that Israelis are fleeing the war back to Russia) is storming the tarmac looking for Jews on planes. Flights are turning around and fly away from this location. Russia is a dangerous place for Jews!
Wall Street Journal: Israel restored Internet and cell phone services to Gaza following a request from the Biden administration.
Israeli Ambassador to the U.N. Gilad Erdan declared that the organization has “completely lost” its legitimacy on Sunday.
Fox News
IDF Soldiers Raise Israel's Flag In Northern Gaza For The First Time Since 2005:
Jerusalem Post
We have an alarming rise of antisemitism across the world right now. Even in our universities here in the United States, right on the heels of the recent attack on innocent Jewish people in their homeland of Israel.
From the Jews came our Bible. From the Jews came our Messiah. We owe them a great debt, and now we must pray for them as a nation and a people.