Israel Government
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Israel Government

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Leaving Soon said “TR, If Israel does get a new PM do you think that is the final sign before the Rapture ? Do you think the AC could be officially revealed around the same time and just before we leave also ?”

Pastor Tim Henderson … take on the new Israeli govt

Starts at 34 second marker point … 4:55

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Good video!

Again, men continue to calculate dates! And again, more Fall dates and Feast days are proposed.

I personally still believe Summer is a crucial sign post!  We may be here for the start of Summer, but I don't believe we will see the end of Summer!

While still unable to claim any divine foreknowledge!


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Wasn't there a prediction or prophecy about Netanyahu being the last Prime Minister of Israel? Maybe it was in Enoch? I can't remember and I am not really sure what to think about Enoch, honestly.

Whatever the case, exciting times.

Leaving Soon
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What do you think Geri9, or anyone else.

I've always thought we would be out of here before the AC is officially revealed, and before the Tribulation Temple is 100% built and operating, and going back to last year I've thought that we would be out of here before the vaccine is mandatory as in federal law enforced by the military or unofficially mandatory by making your life impossible if you don't take it.

It seems like we are at a crossroads were the Rapture is about to take place just before or hopefully just after at the latest before those things take place.

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I know Ken Johnson has many videos talking about Enoch, and I have seen many Youtubers trying to restore an Enoch calendar.  Would be interesting to explore.  I did a quick search because I think what you said fits well with the fourth post above.  Would Netanyahu be the last PM before the AC or the real Messiah? This website tells of an Enoch prophesy that there would be 12 shepherds over Israel after Israel is restored.  Netanyahu is the 12th.

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I think, based on this passage … the rapture will happen when the new Israeli government is formed and they say “peace and safety” and tie in the 2 state solution agenda.   I don’t think we will be here to see the G/M war … that is God’s wrath but the left behind will see the Lord came to Israel’s rescue.

I Thess 5:1-3, 9

1 But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.

2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.

3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.


For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,


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Hmmm...very interesting. I will check it out.

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Headline news titles

Knesset to meet Monday on Lapid-Bennett government, vote likely on June 14


Doesn’t look like everyone is onboard :popcorn

Top rabbis urge followers to ‘do everything’ to thwart new government

Netanyahu: ‘If a government is formed, God forbid, we will topple it very quickly’

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With all the convergence of signs and prophetic fulfillment how can we not see our redemption fast approaching?!

Knowing the exact day aside, we see ever increasing dominoes being set in place for the rapid and sequential toppling of man!


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The correlation of Enoch’s prophecies and the timeline of Israel as a nation again and from a man, not a Jew, is absolutely fascinating. I believe it holds a lot of wait, that along with the fact of Enoch as a mediator between God and demons is very interesting. I once read somewhere that the reason God took Enoch was also to protect him and start the timeline that marched towards our redemption through Christ, post flood. It will be something to watch for sure … personally, I don’t believe the new government will be formed. :popcorn

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