This may have been already discussed but what do you all think about the high rate of vax uptake in Israel and the possibility a future one will be MOTB? Do you think as a nation they will not implement since we know God has his eye on his people? Per Jack Kelley - “In Romans 11:26 Paul states that “All Israel will be saved.” By this he meant that each of the 12 tribes will be represented in the Kingdom Age and all will believe in Jesus. He didn’t mean that every Jew will be saved during the tribulation” - Fair Use - The Bible says only 1/3 of the Jews during the tribulation will be saved. Perhaps that 1/3 are actually refusing the vaxx right now? :unsure: I saw this question from Ron Paul on his facebook page Aug. 10: Jewish Israelis are heavily vaccinated, while Palestinians are not. Covid cases are increasing for Jewish Israelis, but not for Palestinians -Fair Use- We have had discussion that God would probably not allow the 144,000 witnesses to be defiled by the jab. So, the high jab rate in Israel is another clue to how close we are to leaving. Or a new thought - the “fake messiah” will bring forth the antidote for the poison in this bio weapon :unsure: I’m on the fence if every single Jewish person in Israel got the jab. I’m sure a lot did but everybody? I saw a short youtube clip a few days ago of this one beach with signs “only for the vaccinated” it was fenced off and the police were making sure people showed proof of the jab before they could get on the beach. They did turn some away … or were they the Palestinians? :unsure: Are Palestinians allow to live anywhere inside of Israel or are they restricted to certain areas only? :unsure: I’m going to try to find that clip to view it again … And how about this scenario … who is to say there are not some anti-vax nurses in Israel … like that German nurse, who injected 8,600 Germans with the harmless saline placebo instead of COVID vaccine. We truly don’t know the real numbers of who got the toxic vaxx vs. a harmless substance. That nurse is an absolute angel. Sadly, he/she will be treated like a war criminal. One thing to consider, the 144,000 Jews don't necessarily have to be residing in Israel. They could be from Jews living in countries all over the world. That would allow them to rapidly get their message out to the whole world. Sort of like how the Jews from many different nations attended the very first Pentacost and then spread the gospel from where they lived. I thought of this same thing Tammie....."how bout a cure for the vax, and cancer and all disease with the perk of living for hundreds of years....for the small, simple (eternally damning btw) price of worship represented by a mark on your hand or forehead to signal you belong to me?" oh and also anyone who winds up refusing this "wonderful" gift will be beheaded....
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