In His presence...
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In His presence...

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Jesus plus nothing = salvation!

Jesus plus nothing = Heaven!

Indeed whatever Heaven will hold counts as nothing.  For to be in the arms of Jesus throughout eternity is all I desire!

The glories of Heavenly according to the riches of His kindness will graciously be accepted and enjoyed.

But my heart will glory only in Him!  Who am I?!  Chosen of God, blessed of God, beloved of God!

The epitome of Heaven then is my being found in His heart!

Mansion or broom closet, it matters not!  Crowns and rewards pale by His love for me!  First here on Earth, and then in Heaven!

The splendor of His majesty only testifies of His glorious heart!  There is none like Him!

Again, the glories of Heaven can only adorn my enraptured heart!  Yes Lord what a joy to give You my heart freely, fully and forever!


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TR — I have always loved this part of Psalm 8 ...  amazing that Creator God continues to Love us ....

Psalm 8:3 -4 “When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?

Psalm 136 —- God’s Love endures forever ..... :prayer-hands:
