I feel your frustration, brother! I’m well beyond getting out of here. Hopefully we’ll all be discussing things up there before the year is out. I’m holding to the Shemitah Cycle theory so even if we manage to go into 2022 the theory holds that we will be gone by late Spring. Just a little bit longer. It is my hope that after we are gone, people will come here on this site and read our conversations. They will learn that we recognized what we saw for what it is....the signs of the times and the end of the age of grace. Most of all, they will see our love for Jesus and longing for Him to return to get us in the Rapture and one day it happens and we will be gone to our Heavenly home. Hopefully they will learn about prayer, humor and our love for each other and they will do the same with each other in the awful time that they have to endure. I wish with all my heart they would heed the warnings we give now....but most will not. I hope they will give their lives to Christ then, and if even by death will some day go to Heaven. Let's keep one another lifted in prayer, everybody. This is something we all can benefit from. :thankyou I am more than tired and sickened of this world. I listened to Bill Wiese and I believe his story. I keep remembering his story when things get tough. When I was stuck in the tunnel at the subway, it was so hard on me. I am not even going to try and describe what I was feeling. then I remembered Bill Wiese's story and I thought "at least I am not in hell for all eternity". As scary as being stuck in the tunnel was, the train was lit and I knew that eventually we were going to move and get out there. As hard as things are at times, I think: I won't be putting up with this for eternity. Even if we are stuck in this mess for a few more decades ( I really don't think so) the day will still come when we are out of here and this whole world would be nothing but a disgusting nightmare now gone forever Won't have to wait even one decade. The NWO is closing its fist on the world. One way or another, by rapture or excursion, I won't be here ten years from now. They don't want people like us here. I still firmly believe the rapture is upon us and we will be out of here very soon. Encouragement rather than heartache any day! TR Tenderreed, On my heart today ~ Oh, let all of Heaven and earth sing praises unto You, oh God of Majestic Heavenly Splendor ~ Thank You, Father, through Jesus, Your Spirit lives in the believer, drawing us near even now to Your Glorious Throne of all Holy Power Glory and Light ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Enveloped in Christ’s Holy Light, we are ever thankful for the gifted privilege to adore You, Jesus our God ever the Author and Finisher, First and Last, our forever God, and our Promised Heavenly Groom~ So thankful Lord, HOW You woo us, that we are invited to run to You, Father, kept in the promises of Your Truth everlasting ~ Oh, God ever glorified ~ our peace is stayed on You, and so we are feeling thankful for Your Spirit abiding, assuring us Your promises are Yes, Yes, Yes, oh God so Holy, Holy, Holy~ reminding us faithfully of everlasting Security, ~ ~ YES, we exalt You, oh God of forever in the Power of our Jesus ~ . We adore You, Eternal Majestic God, ~ ~ ~continue to rock us in your Majestic Refuge, for our desire is ever to Praise You, at the Throne of our Great Elohim, as we do await for your call HOME ~ ~~~ near You, oh, eternal LORD GOD, we soooooooo long to be where You are, to express with great awe and adoration this GIFT of Redeeming Grace and Mercy in our gifted joy that must be expressed ! ~~ Thank You, Holy Spirit for Your Living Word, for Jesus, for Your Gift of Amazing Grace, Abba Father ~~ God's Perfect Love? oh, God, what immeasurable Holy Majesty and Beauty and Splendor we may know as we contemplate You, oh Infinite Mighty God above comprehension! Lord even now, continue to remind us, of our eternal Security in Christ's Light, because of Your immeasurable Sacrifice and Power to save us ~ ~ . .What Divine Love, faithful, sure and true ~. . . . ever and ever ~~ In His image,, we KNOW the Eternal One ~ ~ abiding in these vessels of weakness and clay, oh how we need You, Mighty God, for this IS the Way You would have us kept in the Light of Jesus while on this earth . .til You come for us ~ Amen. You have such a beautiful heart for Jesus, Donna Thank you, Susan ~~ I love each one of you dear sibs . . I treasure deeply all of you and the communication so blessed in the assurance of who we are IN JESUS. Feeling thankful to have this place to share this gift to watch and wait for the Snatch . . Oh, Yes, Father, we pray, may it be today You announce to Your Son, "Go fetch My children", Your Bride" . . ~ God, we so desire to glorify You, and Your Name, oh "Great I Am" ~ ~ . . to hear Your call of the powerful Snatch up close, ~ ~ take us unto Yourself, Mighty Jesus WHERE You are, we pray . . ~~ oh, Exalted Adored Jesus, we sense the Holy Spirit's 'stirrings ~ ~ rejoicing as the King's kids in this Age of Grace we believe it is seriously near to see You face to Face ~ ~ surrounded in Your Majestic Glory, even now, we can hardly wait . ~~ ~
I was encouraged by your statement, "What pollution from the world do you need to avoid?" I will keep my focus on Jesus and not the distractions that satan throws at us. Thanks for this reminder, Brother.
~~ oh, to be in a glorified state, able fully to bow and gaze on You, Mighty God! ~~ LORD, lift us close to You, unto You, lived in Spirit, kept in Your Powerful arms~ , we reel when meditating on Christ's Power . . continue to hold us even now in the Spirit and union of perfect delight, oh God! .
~ our God so worthy, we exalt You Mighty Risen Savior, with increasing sighs and wide eyed joy realizing the nearness of the Snatch . ~ ~~
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