I am humbled by His great love of man, as well as His unending show of love for me personally! I am made aware of His glorious love throughout each day! How can I be so blessed to experience His love in so many ways!? The Lord blesses my heart, and I bless His! TR wonderfully true . . ~ ~ . . while jogging today, I looked up at the blue sky, . . and felt the Light of Christ beaming from above ~~ From His Kingly Throne, and His reigning Glory, He watches over us and touches our spirits with His Love ~~ from His 3rd Heaven, Jesus sends us His Love, reminding us of His amazing joy showing us His Gracious Authority and gentle ways . . . . . . The 'eyes' of my heart and spirit sees Jesus smiling, His arms open, ever faithful to grant us great assurance we shall ever be blessed to adore Him, . . for so true and faithful is His delight to enjoy the joy set before Him ~~ . Jesus has chosen to save us! . . ~ ~ our God Magnificent gloriously holds us, in the power of His Majestic Holy keeping . . forever ~~ . . . . How humbling it is to begin realizing such Heavenly Love from our Almighty Wooing God. Our Jesus, our Lord Himself wonderfully invites us to fall in His arms and see His glowing Smile as He lifts our faces to His . . . .. A Heavenly Family! ~~ ~ . ~ ~ Oh, yes, . . we do lift up our eyes, and sing praises unto our God for transforming lowly, frail, souls like us meant for a destiny to be His Heavenly Bride ~ ~ ~ ~ keeping us close to Him where He delights us to be . . I am my beloved's and He is mine, His banner over me is love! TR Lord God, put Your words in my mouth and cover me with the shadow of Your hand -You who set the heavens in place, who laid the foundations of the earth, and who say to Your children, "You are Mine" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Isa 51:16 Good one Sis! TR Love Jesus = love God! Hate Jesus = hate God! Truth can sometimes be so simple! TR