How do I even lay o...
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How do I even lay out the Lords near return to my 21 year old son?

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My son is technically a Junior by he plays D1 football at Colorado State he's one of the kickers. Life is good for the most part. Although it sounds like the University has officially gone to on line classes this fall. He's a little concerned that he wont get to play football this fall because the team may move their season to the spring.

In my heart I feel as if we are months away.

Last night the protesters came by at about 10:45 with loud speakers saying coming out white people we will kick your a**! It was weird since there were about 40 to 50 protesters and maybe "3 or 4"of them were African American the rest were white screaming this?

I live in down town Denver and its a strait zoo still.

After having Corona Virus in March and April my lungs feel like what I imagine it would feel like to have been in a bad fire or have Asthma. Constantly restricted and hard to breathe.  They feel scarred?

I personally cant imagine the carnage of a Joe Biden presidency just before the rapture but maybe that's whats needed or part of Gods plan.

My son for last 10 years has said Dad is the world going to end because he knows I study prophecy. Why is it that people that dont study prophecy just think that the world is going to blow up and that's it?

I blame the seminaries and the pastors from shying from the book of revelations and the prophets.

More and more I find myself being a recluse outside of a few spurts of anger or what were you thinking comments.

How do I stay the cool dad but yet tell me son time is near. He's heard it from me for 10 years. I the one crying wolf in his book.

I cant believe my subconscious is wrong.










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Keep sharing the truth as God reveals it.  Don't teach, just share!

Let your conviction speak, not your convincing.  IMHO


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I really have to hedge what I say because I know I have been wrong before.

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It’s difficult to know how to advise someone on how they should speak regarding the Last Days other than to point to other examples, so I’ll use one here.

What I like most about JD Farag’s teaching is that he points out what’s going on in relation to prophecy but doesn’t ever cry “this is it”. Even with the imminent vaccine and its clear relationship to the Mark of the Beast, JD maintains a “we are near the end” without sensationalism or crying ‘wolf’.

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You can explain about the purpose behind this lab made virus and that its leaning towards crashing our economy, to hurt the re-election of Trump, and when the vaccine is really ... inform him of what the vaccine contains - to harm and control the people.

I’m realizing only those who really want to know truth will listen. Sadly many (including believers) are clueless that the rapture is very near.  I seriously think they believe heaven will be a boring place - with church services 24/7.   I have saved nieces that recently got married and they don’t want to hear about the rapture.  They roll their eyes if I say Jesus is coming soon.  Their parents do the same.  They have secular jobs, do not share their faith so the demons don’t bother them.  But we, who are on the front lines of the battlefield that are sharing the Gospel to the lost, have many hardships and calamities.  But I rather be in that group ... because the Bible says “for those who live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution”.

If I’m talking to my saved cousin over the phone about the rapture, there will be dead silence and then she just changes the subject.  Her husband is an Assistant Pastor and his church only believes in the 2nd Coming.  My dad  had a talk with him at Christmas one year explaining what the pre-trib rapture is all about.  He said that’s very interesting ... I never heard about that and here he went to a Bible college.   The way I see it a lot of saved people will be in shock when the rapture happens.  They will still be going up with us because they have the Holy Spirit living inside of them but I think they will be upset and sad at the judgment seat of Christ when they see us get the Crown of Righteousness because we were longing and watching for Jesus to return.  If we do get to keep our crowns ... they will be reminded in eternity as they see us wearing them or have them in our heavenly home on a table or shelf ... they could of earned that crown too but ignored the warnings.

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Boulder, you said "Last night the protesters came by at about 10:45 with loud speakers saying coming out white people we will kick your a**! It was weird since there were about 40 to 50 protesters and maybe “3 or 4″of them were African American the rest were white screaming this?"

i am so sorry that you are in the middle of this. the police have abdicated their role to serve and protect the public, not the elected ones in power. its dehumanizing Boulder. and that is one reason I am pretty sure the whole mask thing is going on. can mosquitos fly through chicken wire? viruses can go right through most masks. especially if there is any moisture. moisture makes a highway for the virus to travel on. so what good are masks if they are not virus prevention? well for one thing, those in authority don't have to see the faces of the people they are imposing rules upon, and another thing, people get so scared of the unseen (viruses) that they go along with it. In the tribulation, human life will have very little value, there will be wars and ac having people killed who don't take the mark. i'm glad I won't be there. it wouldn't surprise me if the people who don't take the mark are identified somehow for everyone to know, to put social pressure on them, like maybe by wearing a mask since they didn't take an approved mark.

God gave your son life to live, to live in love with God and enjoy Him forever. he knows the people outside don't represent God's value of lives? he knows they don't represent justice? Boulder does he know in his insides, that for real, that Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy? those people outside might as well as had his logo on their clothing, they were doing what he wants. I sent my daughter and her husband a note about the coming tribulation and rapture, asking them to trust in Jesus now for forgiveness and life before that time arrives. crickets. if your son is not saved, would he talk with you about faith, about why you rely on Jesus, why you believe what the bible says is true? he won't have to understand the rapture if he is saved, he'll go.

Boulder, I told my granddaughter and her husband about a year and a half ago why I believe, they haven't talked to me since they left the house from visiting. Saying why we believe in Jesus is no guarantee of acceptance, but at least its been said.

Father in heaven, I ask that Holy Spirit would give Boulder words when he talks with his son, whether about the future or anything else. You know Father that the people we are closest to can be the hardest people to talk to because relationships can be so fragile. please move in Boulder's relationship with his son and lead the way for the two of them to be able to talk. I ask also, please Father, that You would be a shield around Boulder and his family. Please protect them and their home from lawlessness. I ask in Jesus name, amen


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Boulder--can you help us understand where your son is spiritually?  Do you see evidence that he is a true born again believer?  Did he grow up in church and profess faith, but now lives a life that does not reflect a walk with Christ?  Is he flat out hostile towards the gospel?  Does he hold you in respect?  These are all questions that come to mind because, at least imho, the answers to those questions would impact the response to your original question about how best to approach him.  Give us some insight when you read this and have a little time.  Thanks brother.  Praying that the Lord will give you wisdom and a Spirit-breathed strategy on what will prove to be most fruitful, all the while acknowledging the reality that your son has his own free will and will ultimately make the decisions about how he will live his life.

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:prayer-hands:  for all who have unsaved loved ones ... that the blinders come off their eyes and they see the need to accept Jesus now.

Don’t give up witnessing even though you are getting the cold shoulder treatment.  Your loved ones will remember your testimony  if they get left behind.  Just keep sharing as the Lord leads you and keep praying and we leave the rest in the Lord’s hands.

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He indeed would that all be saved!

We can't convince anyone.  But the conviction of our beliefs speak more loudly than any spoken word!


David W. Roche
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It really isn't about the "world" ending.  The correct term is the end of the age.  In many ways, the world we all grew up in has already begun to end, and we have to trust that God has a plan for each of us, as well as for the entire planet.  I don't have a problem with seeing the "world" end, since it's on its last legs anyway.  I felt like that when I was in my teen years, too.

You could tell your son that God is in control, in spite of all the apparent chaos.  He has something better planned for His children, and if our lives are suddenly interrupted, it's okay.  We were never promised things would go on comfortably and predictably for as long as we live.  Actually, we were warned to be prepared that they might not.  But God is bigger than anything that causes us distress or uncertainty.  All we are seeing is necessary for Him to establish His everlasting rule.

We surrendered our lives to Him; we are bondservants to Christ and that is willingly.  Our life is found in Jesus only, whether we live, die or get caught up to be with Him.  That may be hard for a young man to process, but when you are being dragged out of Sodom, don't look back.  This world may collapse of its own weight soon; let it fall.  We belong to another world anyway.


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