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His love...

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His love for you was established before the foundations of the world were laid! Before you were conceived!

His love for you was so full, He chose to pay your debt before the Father regardless the cost!

His love knew you and formed you fearfully, wonderfully and individually personal!

His bride was chosen and selected, hand picked so that His heart could be blessed by no other!  Precious and beloved above all things created!  Each of us individually enlarges His heart as no other can!  As we partake of this divine relationship He desires the romance established as we submit ourselves totally to Him in every way!  Humanitarianism aside, He strives to be as personal as we allow Him to be!

Give thanks unto the lover of our souls!


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We love because He loved us first. Smile
It’s comforting to rest in His love and abundant promises for us.

I look forward to being face to face with the Lord in the near future. Smile

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1 John 3:1 ~ ~ ~  “See what great love the Father has lavished on us . . "

God's Heart is ravished (SOS) over His Family, His children, His Bride . . ~~  who can understand such Perfect Love between the Father and Son. Absolute and eternally PERFECT, impeccable . .  ~~ ~   . . and YET ~

God's great joy was 'making a Family' for Himself . . at what expense?  ~ ~and for who?    Why?  "Let us make man in OUR IMAGE ~~ .   ..  this we are told, FOR His pleasure, His delight was and is Sacrificial Love ~

~ ~ ~  "it pleased God to crush His Son whom He deeply loved." ~~ Isaiah 53:10     ~ ~ How do we understand such Love?   HOW is it, God honors His Love, His Glory  'pleased by crushing His Son for us?  . .   . John 3:16 ~ ~ “He (so) loves us

oh, GOD! ~~  Thank You for giving us eternity to ever adore You, exalt You, drawing us closer to Your Glorious Majesty! ~     ~~ Recreating us by the Greatest Love ever known,   ~~ You, LORD invite us to come boldly to the Heavenly Throne, to know You, and 'breathe' in God's Love  ~ ~~ ~  oh, the Glory of this Truth! ~ ~ we are made "partakers" of the Divine Nature . .   ~

~  praising You, oh God of all GLORY and JOY and HOLINESS ~ ~ ` for You have torn the veil  ~~

Posts: 8052
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Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago

Beautifully expressed Donna, as always!

Just something we all need to be reminded of from time to time!

If God loved the Son and asked him to suffer, surely we can accept our light afflictions!

For then, love will bring us into His presence, eternally!

