Scott, I had the same name on the old website. So blessed to have you back Bro! Again, I am mindful of the eternal friendships that are being formed on this site. It will be a great ride, hopefully a short one! TR Scott, I mentioned you two days ago on the "This is what RITA is all about" thread in the Reminiscing Forum. Glad to see those vibes I put out, drew you in. Welcome back, Scott! Yay!!! I knew that was you because of the thread name, doggone it's good to have you back! B-) ~~so fun to see you here, Scarby, I mean Scottie, ~~ um, Scott ~~ a cat astrophe not seeing a Scott face even if you are a dog lover over cats ~~ =^.^& -- Donna you look as lovely as ever and I missed your inspirational input which keep all of us on our toes and kept Scarby in line with the Ritan rulebook--his fanny is still red from all those apocalyptic corrections---and speaking of apo-CAT-lyptic or CAT-astropes---I love cats even more then dogs--I lost my last cat a few years ago and I vowed not to go through that again! I have always had you and your husband in my deepest prayers Donna!! I just need to catch up on all the lastest news and past stories which will give me a touchstone for where to begin this final short pause just before we exit stage right---UP! Or Up right ! Or outta sight! or by the light of the silvery moon somewhere over the lost lagoon or at the tail end of this vapor-like economy boon! Shouldn't that be BOOM? I had to spell it that way to rythme it in the sentence! Mom of 2-- I kinda remeber you laughting so hard years ago about some rythme I made with a christian singer and a bolivard or something--it was a hoot! Do you remember that post! It was wack-ety-yak! but we did talk back! The thing I like about these public forums and talking to other people with our typing fingers is you don't need to use tic-tacs to yak-ety-yak! That God we still have Tender Reed with us!! Man I love you brother-you get my humor--and you get my utmost respect! Kolleen you look as lovely as ever also! Just about makes me want to cry knowing that the old gang is still around and are still serving our wonderful and amazing Lord!! Blake7 now that you found Scarby could you return him to his rightful owner---in other words could you take that shadow man in my profile picture and put that obese dog back in the drivers seat--he really isn't the driver-its just a fake steering wheel in the passenger compartment! Thanks David and Heidi and My White Stone for being a part of this reunion THREAD that does not NEEDLE anyone with harassment or chastisement or confinement or alignment or any added additional assignment To many MENTS in that Tic-Tac -Talk -right?!! Scott right click choose "save picture as", over scarbys photo, go to photos on your computer. should be there. Then go to your Ritan profile and copy him to your avatar. I'm not able to change your profile only you can, or maybe moderators can help. happy to return him to his owner. Blake7-- I'm not very good at setting up anything on a computer so it looks like Donna or the other mods will have to show me where the light switch is in the darkened room--better yet just flip the switch for me!! I don't have my own computer-I use the one at the Library- talk about a loose canon-right!! I guess it keeps me humble not to be computer savvy!! I am going to pray that you have a nice computer soon.