Well It looks like someone has broken the lock on the old Ritan door and entered the premises without a backstage pass!! It is I---Scott the lost prodiGAL or should I say prodiGUY! Gender is important here and I respect the one who is the Mender of all Gender and that would be the Maker and Creator of all things-Jesus Christ!! So nice to be here in the great company of both new and old Ritan members as I also am an older member who started at the old website in the year 2007 to be exact! I began my journey here with just a few querky adlibs and some insightful theories about the second coming and it seemed to catch on like a wildfire--it does help to relate to others instead of trying to promote ones own agenda--you can win others with honey but love is much sweeter and it doesn't sting as much--unless the honeybee needs correction--then tough love is necessary---boy I just started back here and I am already preaching! Well I am so honored to be among the chosen instead of wallowing with the frozen! I have been with the frozen and they are not fun to be around--it feels like they are trapped in a stigma which I call Monestery Haughtiness--religion is humankind reaching up by his or her own values system to attain a state of spirituality that makes the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross a worthless achievement! We cannot on our own overcome sin or the worlds traps and snares by religion --it has to be conquered by a sin sacrifice of Blood--- and it is this historical divine work on the cross which plowed through all our walls of doubt to construct a new wall of faith in this accomplished feat of our redemer! Now if you want to have the rest of this sermon-please send a donation of 40 euro dollars to my bank account off Novis Soscia bay - which is not to far from the Hamptons! Just Kidding!! I told you I still am kinda rediculous--but more balanced! or is it off-balanced? Well, not off-balanced enough to where I can't stop myself from falling over! This has been an unpaid political announcement--if it were a national emergency-you would have been alerted to contact your nearest pastor and he would sign you up for indept spiritual counceling!! Only you can heed the signs of moral decay! Again-Thanks everybody for welcoming me aboard!! The ride looks to be a great one!! Are you Scott who had a fictional dog? Welcome back Scott. Hey Heidi! That be me--I mean Scarby!! On the old website did you have a different username- I can't remember what you went by back then. I am looking for someone to put up a picture of my old pal Scarby so I can use him in my profile photo! You have a squrriel on your profile--- I think Scarby like squrriels very much--they taste like chicken---I didn't mean that !! It remined me of a comedy show that I had seen years ago and they used that line--no! Lets not hurt the squrriels Scarby!! They help clean up all those walnuts and acorns off the ground during winter time--I always let the squrriels have at most of the nuts on the ground--although they make many small holes to bury them in --once Scarby chased a squrriel around the yard as he was attempting to bury his nut--- and just as Scarby came up on the cute little critter he hiked the acorn and not the dirt right at Scarby's snout -- it bopped him on his nose and they chased each other around the yard for hours--- if you are ever over at our house sometime I will have to show you where the squrriel is buried---again sorry!! I did not mean to say Scarby buried the squrriel---he made best friends with the cute sweet animal and now they facebook each other like five times a day--Scarby likes to bark while the squrriel likes to twitter!! Am I not spelling squrriel correct-- it is underlined in red everytime! I got Ds and Fs in grade school English! I was reading your post and it made me laugh so I guessed that is you even before you wrote your response. thank you for the laugh about: glad to be among the chosen and not the frozen.... I think squirrels are cute and I love to watch them eat nuts. :bye: High Loz! I remember you my friend---you have sooo much class and I always liked your openness and sincerity-- you cannot find brothers anymore who have these qualities-- I am still grieving over the loss of LisaLinnenie--she was the boss!! She had the right stuff--you have the right stuff-- and I love you profile photo-- that is why I say you have class! I have an ugly dog in my old profile photo --makes me want to bark at the moon-in pig latin style - exnay- exnay! What the Hey?!!! I suspect Scott, ol' buddy, that you must have squirrelophobia from experience, and I'd guess you probably avoid parks. One like Heidi's squirrel is likely to either snatch up and begin to gnaw on a nut like you, or perhaps squirrel you away for later. Right? Great to have you back. I used to know when the Rapture would occur, certain to be a multiple number of 188 days from a big earthquake. Now maybe I can get back into the know again. With any luck you might find Scarby's photo buried in the "Way Back Machine" archive whose access is buried at the bottom of this sites Home page. Thanks for checkin' in and signin' up, Scott! I suspect you may have already won the new crown for RITA Now Corn King! Be ready for your soon cornonation. MWS, aka Dan PS - I hope we reopen our monthly "Thread Killer" contest. It's probably harder now since there are ways to post at locations other than at the bottom of the thread, but at least the distinctive might be fun to go for. You and I seemed to be pretty good at killing threads years ago, if I remember correctly. Scarby! Thanks, Blake. I hope Scott features him. Hey Scott, Kolleen here :bye: , or as Joyful Susan would say, "koLLeen," or some such thing. I laughed my way through your first post here....you haven't lost a step in all this time away. Dan and I are married, as well as old moderator David, and Kristen for a catch-up. Thought maybe Scarby would be in doggie heaven by now! So glad to have you back!