Heaven is in sight....
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Heaven is in sight...

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With tears of anticipation our resolve is fixed.  Knowing that any day could herald a trumpet's blast and a shout!  Our patience in faith, honors God.

Soon the veil which hides the Heavenly realm shall be torn asunder.  Heaven's door shall be opened. With open arms, Christ awaits his Bride!

Heaven's host will enthusiastically greet us and bow before us as we make our entrance into God's tabernacle!  With all creation rejoicing!  Only tears of Joy will well up and fill every eye.  A celebration unrivaled in the annals of time will spring forth.  There will be new songs to be sung!

Heaven's light is already seemingly breaking forth through the clouds of the veil.  Can you see it?  Can you?!  Come stand closer to Christ that your eyes be filled with the glories of Heaven!

And now we approach the throne of God Almighty!  Abba daddy, is that you?  Oh, you do love me! Thank you for choosing and loving me, my God!



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What a day that will be!

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Yes!  I can visualize it. :yes:  We will be shouting for joy! :yahoo:   The praise ceremony is going to be so loud I wouldn’t at all be surprised if those on the earth will be able to hear us.   I think of this passage in Revelation 6:13-17 ... the unsaved do get a glimpse of heaven ... first there is a great earthquake on earth, sun becomes black, moon turns to blood, stars fall down, and then the heaven departed as a scroll ... every mountain and island moves out of place and those on the earth can see Jesus sitting on the throne and instead of repenting... they hide underground in their bomb shelters and cry for the rocks to fall on them and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb.

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Joy unspeakable and full of glory!!!!

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Of course with sense of humor, you just might hear me say:  Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas any more!

And then I hear some fool entering Hell and hear him say the same thing!  Tee, hee, hee


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I'm pretty much in agreement with what you have written Mr Reed, you're a fine writer. But I'm not so sure that we'll be going "tee, hee, hee", about the plight of the lost. But their time will have come to drink the blood that they have shed. They would probably laugh at us if the tables were turned, but for us it should be a more serious occasion. God takes no joy in the destruction of the wicked.

"Do I have any pleasure at all that the wicked should die?” says the Lord God, “and not that he should turn from his ways and live?

And yes, i think that i can see it. But not for the same reasons that you would probably imagine. At the seventh trumpet God's Temple will be revealed. People are going to be able to look up and see it with their own eyes. Heaven might not be that far away.

"Then God’s temple in heaven was opened, and the ark of his covenant was seen within his temple.

It takes about three and a half minutes to read Daniel's prayer from chapter 9. And as soon as he began to pray, Gabriel was sent in swift flight, for Daniel is greatly loved. It took Gabriel about 3.5 minutes to get from wherever Heaven is, to Daniel's side. So if God is cloaking New Jerusalem inside of the Moon, Gabriel might only have been traveling at around mach 92. Just a bit faster than the Apollo 10 astronauts did in 1969 when they reentered the Earth's atmosphere at around mach 32. That was the fastest speed that men have ever traveled.

So yes, i think i can see it. I think i was looking at it last night. And i'll be watching it on Saturday. Even at it's largest measurements as a square, New Jerusalem would fit inside the Moon, with all 8 of it's corners tucked comfortably in just 20ft below the lunar surface. I doubt that's a coincidence.

Fastest human spaceflight
The crew of NASA's Apollo 10 moon mission reached a top speed of 24,791 mph (39,897 kph) relative to Earth as they rocketed back to our planet on May 26, 1969. That's the fastest any human beings have ever traveled.


The 1969 Knesset Decree, + 7 weeks (49 years). Seems to put us into, as Isaac Newton called it, "the compass of a Jubilee".

The 50th year.

The compass of a Jubilee pointing to the 50th year.</p>

"so the seven weeks are the compass of a Jubilee, and begin and end with actions proper for a Jubilee, and of the highest nature for which a Jubilee can be kept: and that since the commandment to return and to build Jerusalem, precedes the Messiah the Prince 49 years; it may perhaps come forth not from the Jews themselves, but from some other kingdom friendly to them, and precede their return from captivity, and give occasion to it. - Isaac Newton.

If he was right, this has to happen before January.



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Indeed, going to Hell is no laughing matter.  I just use the tee, hee, hee to highlight that I'm in "humor" mode, at any given time.  Being transparent like this keeps from offending anyone.

Thanks for all your diligence and study, and thanks for sharing.


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Dave, you might like the book I wrote for fun (my avatar). In it I talk about the New Jerusalem replacing the moon, the only way it could hang suspended above our planet and not seriously mess with our gravitational pull. It also could explain the 70lbs hailstones right before His second coming.

At the end of the millennium, it’s a fairy common thing for characters to go back and forth and visit the city. It truly makes for a sci-fi inspired futuristic setting for our future world!

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That sounds pretty good RB. It's interesting about how you might have figured it out. If New Jerusalem did bust out of the moon, then after the thousand years are finished it begins to orbit closer and closer until it actually landed on Earth, it might "not seriously mess with our gravitational pull". Still, I'd rather be on the ride INSIDE of New Jerusalem looking out, than to be back here on Earth watching it as it approached. Either way, it should be an awesome sight to see.

I also think that you're right in that we will "go back and forth and visit the city". There was a math guy on a page that figured the immensity of New Jerusalem to be so big that everyone who ever lived could have a "mansion" on a property of ten acres with ceilings so high that they could contain an atmosphere. That sounds like a Star Trek holodeck scenario. I'd be happy with just a cabin in a corner of Glory Land. But not everybody gets to go, so there's going to be lots of space.

But I don't think it will be a holodeck like Star Trek, I think it's a real physical structure built by God. He seems to have made a point in Revelation 21 to show us that it is a physical structure, walls of Jasper, adorned with every kind of jewel, gates of pearl and the city it'self made with pure transparent gold like glass. God must want us to know that we're going to be in a real physical place where we can drink the wine new with Jesus in His Father's Kingdom.

There was another math guy that said New Jerusalem was too big to be a square. He said that gravity would force it into a sphere. I think with God, all things are possible in our physical universe. The God that did the Big Bang, could do anything in our physical universe. He could keep our sun burning forever. It would never become a "red giant" like the scientists say. If  He wanted to, He could reach back through time itself and get my cat back for me.

The Moon rang like a bell for three hours.

Meantime the experiments we had left on the lunar surface were busy recording and transmitting data. They all worked well, with one exception, and were really producing useful data. One unexpected result came from the seismic experiment recording the impact of Intrepid on the surface after we had jettisoned it. The entire Moon rang like a gong, vibrating and resonating for almost on hour after the impact. The best guess was that the Moon was composed of rubble a lot deeper below its surface than anybody had assumed.

The internal structure, being fractured instead of a solid mass, could bounce the seismic energy from piece to piece for quite a while.
The same phenomenon was observed at two ALSEP stations when the Apollo 14 crew jettisoned their lunar module Antares and programmed it to crash between the Apollo 12 and 14 sites.

With every mission after Apollo 12, additional seismic calibrations were obtained by aiming the Saturn S-IVB stage to impact a selected point on the Moon after separation from the spacecraft. The seismic vibrations from these impacts lasted about three hours.




NASA astronauts are going back to the moon and when they get there they may need quake-proof housing.

The first three were generally mild and harmless. Shallow moonquakes on the other hand were doozies. Between 1972 and 1977, the Apollo seismic network saw twenty-eight of them; a few "registered up to 5.5 on the Richter scale," says Neal. A magnitude 5 quake on Earth is energetic enough to move heavy furniture and crack plaster.

Furthermore, shallow moonquakes lasted a remarkably long time. Once they got going, all continued more than 10 minutes. "The moon was ringing like a bell," Neal says.


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Aside from Heaven now becoming our eternal home and being in His eternal presence, seems to me that there are multiplied wonders awaiting us as eternity unfolds!


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