1:27:21 time marker "Hi Tyler" Comment: This is food for our souls as we watch, wait and look up. Our redemption draws near. Come Lord Jesus Come! Maranatha! Thank you Dr. Barry, Danielle and of course Mr. Bonesy for encouraging the body of Christ. Is this a question? I don't think Tyler and Barry are related. I think Aaron and Barry are brothers, maybe step brothers. I have enjoyed the other's videos, but I am not familiar with WATCHPHILLY. Oh, I meant half-brothers not stepbrothers. The question was more, to quell possible confusion, is Barry Awe and Tyler/Generation 2434, one and the same person. My impression when I first saw Gen's 2434 video's, was that he resembled Barry, therefore "he must be Barry Awe," who had decided to spiff himself up! :scratch: Then enter another/different/unrelated "Tyler," who is problematic and I won't go in to detail any more than that. Suffice it to say, there was some confusion so I thought I would put the question out there to know if anyone else had been confused between Barry Awe and Gen Tyler, thinking they were one and the same man? I know Dan thinks the two may be related, but I haven't yet found a last name for Gen 2434. I have been examining a lot of my own puzzles about Dr Barry Awe and "Generation2434," i.e., the soft-spoken look-alike. So I have watched carefully, and it seems clear to me that "Generation2434" is a younger man, is named Tyler, who it seems lives in Texas, whereas Dr Barry Awe, a chiropractor, seems to live somewhere in the southeast United States. So I am willing to wager that they are beloved brothers from the same mother and father. They appear different, primarily from the hairdo, (an understatement), yet also if you look closely, you’ll see Barry Awe has brown eyes and Tyler has blue eyes. Also, older brother Barry often has white in his beard in his appearance, whereas Tyler’s beard and hair is always brown. So I strongly suspect Tyler's last name is Awe, and I am personally convinced at this point even without proof. :yes: Any takers? :unsure: By the way it just doesn’t matter since we may very soon meet them up there and ask for clarification soon after the Rapture. 😉 Right? :yes: :yes: Finally! A clarification at the start of this video Mystery solved! :yes: Okay, uncle! It's a good thing I did not bet against Kolleen. My bride here is an amazing researcher! :heart: :mail: :yes: :good: