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Hanukkah Rapture Watch

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24 Kislev which is mentioned in Haggai seems connected to the start of the tribulation.  I noticed it is the first day of Hannukah this year.  Here is what I read on-line about this date and Haggai:

"The precise date Kislev 24 is mentioned four times in the second chapter, verses 10, 15, 18 and 20. Twice it is emphasized that “from this day forward I will bless you,”
and twice Haggai gets a special Word from Yehovah, on this very day. You have to read the whole chapter to get the context, but the message is basically that Yehovah
will “shake the heavens and the earth and all nations” overthrowing their power, after which He will anoint the chosen one of the line of David (symbolized in that day by
Zerubbabel), and essentially make Jerusalem the new world capital."

Here is some more information found on line about how the rapture and Hanukkah could be connected.  It is anticipated this year.


“If one accepts, as a fact, that Hanukkah is a replacement feast for Tabernacles, (as I have come to accept), because of the disobedience of national Israel, which occasioned its loss to them as a judgment of God, then it may mean that REGATHERED Israel is born out of due season, as a late baby. Time length, 60 days, the time between the September Feast of Tabernacles and the December Feast of Hanukkah. It may also indicate that the rapture of the Church will be governed by Hanukkah and not Tabernacles, as opposed to Tabernacles, the lost feast. Why do I say this? Because Tabernacles is the single feast of Israel THAT NEVER HAD A FULFILLMENT. All the others did, Tabernacles was lost to them. Why? Because “I hate your new moons and Sabbaths, for with your lips you are near Me, but with your heart, you are far away”. Therefore, God seemingly destroyed this last feast, and gave them a substitute for it. But somehow, we must connect Tabernacles to Hanukkah, using Bible connectors to do so.

The Feast of Hanukkah is 8 days, the exact same length as Tabernacles, but not nearly as complex. Its major feature is the lighting of the Temple. It roughly corresponds to the Christian Christmas with the lights, giving of gifts, etc. It celebrates the retaking of the Temple from the Syrian, Antiochus Epiphanes, circa 166 B. C.

It was in practice when Jesus was born. In John 10:22, the scriptures record “And it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication (Hanukkah), and it was winter. 23, And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon’s porch. 24, Then came the Jews round about him, and said unto Him, How long dost Thou make us to doubt? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly. 25, Jesus answered them, I told you, and ye believed not; the works that I do in my Father’s name, they bear witness of Me. 28, And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand, 29, My Father, who gave them to me, is greater than all, and no man is able to pluck them our of My Father’s hand. 30, I and My Father are one.” Here Jesus asserted His Deity. He proclaimed plainly to them that He is God, the Son, the second member of the Triune Godhead. This was on the Feast of Hanukkah…

…If Hanukkah is indeed the REPLACEMENT for Tabernacles, it is possible that it is a day for day replacement as well. And since the dissolving of the booths occurred on the 7th day of Tabernacles, it is entirely possible that the resurrection/rapture may occur on the 7th day of Hanukkah. That would be Dec 27/28.”


In December 2019, during Hanukkah, all major steps in an ancient, week-long Jewish wedding ceremony will be played out by the movements of the sun, moon, and planets in a heavenly wedding.  The giving of the ring to the bride even matches (to the minute) the “diamond ring effect” of the total solar eclipse which is at the right point in the ceremony – while we celebrate Christmas – and it will be visible at sunrise from Jerusalem – fulfilling Isaiah 13:10 very accurately – “the sun will be dark when it rises.“

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Awesome!  Indeed, great potential for a high watch date.  Or possibly the 5th day of Hanukkah as five is the number of grace, rather than wait for the 7th day.  Therefore putting it on Dec 25th?!  Dec 25th landing on a Wednesday this year.

Given that Hanukkah week just happens to overlay Christmas Day does seem a convenient coincidence.

In any event, this does bring us that many days closer to the Rapture.  My hope is in His soon coming.  I'll let Him pick the day!  Thanks for sharing that bit of hope with us all!


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A midweek Rapture!  Go God!


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Thanks for sharing this info, Earthangel!

Gary at Unsealed has a fascinating article too about staying alert for a possible December rapture! :whistle:


End Time Themes Converging This Christmas Season

The world impasse continues on as coalition talks between Netanyahu and his rival Benny Gantz are once again faltering.  There is no clear path forward, whether by rotating the office of prime minister, holding a third election, or even holding direct elections for that office as some are proposing.  In the United States, Democrats are preparing articles of impeachment against President Trump.  And in the United Kingdom, the future of Brexit is still up in the air pending the December 12th elections.

However, we may see some major give in these things very soon:

1. Polls indicate that Prime Minister Boris Johnson may win the snap elections next week, which would result in Brexit occurring on January 31st.  Over three years of "Brexit limbo" may finally come to an end—and we can only guess what the domino effects will be.

2. Avigdor Lieberman has expressed slight interest in joining Netanyahu for a short-term right-wing government, and there is growing talk of pushing through an immunity bill in the Knesset that could insulate Netanyahu from indictments.

3. Rumors are growing that the Israeli government may very soon annex the Jordan Valley, which in and of itself would be of prophetic significance on par with the Six-Day War in 1967 or the Nation-State Law last year.

4. Public support for impeachment has essentially flipped since last month and several Democrats in the House have announced their intention to vote against their colleagues.  If 10 or so others, who reside in Trump-friendly districts, break with their party, then articles of impeachment will fail.

5. Simultaneously, the Global Spring continues to grow as the Hong Kong protests, which resulted in pro-democracy forces dominating citywide elections, have now spread to mainland China; and the protests in Iran may be spilling over into revolution.

Finally, #6 is the big "if".  Will Trump finally unveil the peace plan, recognizing that they can no longer wait for coalition talks to resolve in Israel (in light of the nearness of next Fall's elections)?  Or is it possible that this prophetic time-bomb is being misread?

Consider for a moment the possibility that Trump may actually have no intention of pushing a two-state solution.  What if all the peace plan talk has been a head fake to stall for time, allowing Israel to subsume more and more of its God-given territory?  After all, Trump recognized Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, and cut aid to the Palestinian Authority.  It would certainly be in character for how Trump has conducted his other negotiations—à la immigration, China trade talks, etc.  Is it possible that he is God's man for the hour, to set the stage for the Tribulation?

We've been proposing a basic outline of current events as follows: first, a peace plan is unveiled that if agreed to will establish a Palestinian State, thus dividing the land; second, the rapture occurs prior to implementation, causing global chaos; third, the antichrist arrives on the world scene and confirms/strengthens the previously unveiled plan and the land is actually divided.

What if the prophetic plan is a bit different?  Perhaps Israel finally annexes the Jordan Valley and key settlement blocks in Judea and Samaria, while diplomatically shielded by the Trump Administration.  Israel would then largely be at the same extent as the united Kingdom under David—and there would still be no Palestinian State.  Then, once Israel reaches its maximum achievable territory (without actually exiling Palestinians from their enclaves), the Jewish people let out a collective gasp of "peace and security," and then—rapture.  From that point forward, things might proceed as we expect, with war launched against Israel by its surrounding neighbors and the antichrist confirming a covenant in the aftermath.  It should be noted that Israel isn't subdued until the midpoint of the Tribulation when the antichrist marches into Jerusalem in league with an army of nations.  It's at that point that the land is forcefully divided and the most cataclysmic period of the Day of the LORD begins.

- - -

It's no coincidence that we see themes of the end of the age fast approaching this Christmas season.  On November 8th, the aptly named "Last Christmas" was released in theaters:

And on December 20th, the final movie in the Star Wars saga will be released, which will be full of Balaamic messaging as I discussed this past April):

In terms of heavenly signs, on the day after Christmas an annular solar eclipse will begin in the Middle East and traverse across southern Asia, exactly 3 x 33 days before the historic Venus-Pleiades conjunction on April 3rd.  Remember, the Great American Eclipse occurred 33 days before the Revelation 12 Sign.

Furthermore, Christmas Day 2019 will be exactly 726,000 days after the Triumphal Entry if Christ was crucified in 32 AD.  Alphabetized, the 726th Greek word in the New Testament is harpazo (a.k.a. "rapture").  This is by no means to say that the rapture occurs on Christmas this year, but that we see yet another bit of evidence that we are getting closer than ever before.

The time is at hand, dear friends.  Look up, for your redemption draws nigh.

- Fair Use-


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Least of all, what a great time of the year to get excited!

Certainly that peace initiative could go either way also.  Israel annexes more of it homeland, while Israel's enemies continue their ardent attacks.  Demonstrating that demonic hatred rather than political advantage is the true measure inspiring their actions!

I know that I'm getting more excited with each days passing.


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I would be happy to see that happen at Christmas - pretty much the best gift Christ could give us apart from his gift of salvation! :flyup:

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Not only a personal gift for the Bride, but would also double as a harbinger for the rest of the world! IMHO.

Indeed, let us remember that it is the lukewarm that the Lord has issues with.  He can certainly deal with everything else!


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My two cents - it is not an uncommon practice to have a Jewish wedding to be typically celebrated on Wednesday, very happy to have our Bridegroom come on Wednesday, December 25 this season. :prayer-hands:

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Hanukkah is called the Festival of Lights... we are supposed to reflect Jesus, who is the "Light of the world." I love that Christmas is on a Wednesday too... here's hoping for a pretty out-of-this-world Christmas present.

Info on Hanukkah:


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Sounds good ... I prefer Hanukkah or Christmas Day than waiting for Nisan 1 ... April 1, 2020.

There is a strong indication that on one of the Hanukkah’s the 3rd temple will be ready ... I’m losing hope its this year even though they can build it pretty fast.  I wonder what they are going to say 13 days from now?  Perhaps they will be bold and announce next Hanukkah 2020 our temple will be built? B-)

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