God bless the USA!
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God bless the USA!

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Indeed, these are not man's best days!


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Thank you watching47, I've loved that song too!


How the Americans have been duped and blinded and ignorant all along to the evil planning, lurking, conniving, manipulating, deceiving of society; hidden so well to the majority. I'm with those who loved God, trusted their government ignorantly, cared for creation, helped others, and were patriots. So many so unaware for so long! So many now aware, trying to reverse the inroads of the enemy. All this leading us on to God's ultimate plan.

The democrats will fight to their dying breath!
And we're to occupy; doing the work He's given us till He comes.

The occupying in large part is standing against the darkness wherever it is found. There is a great obvious battle going on today between good and evil, light and darkness, and life and death. I don't see Trump back in, in the political sense again, as the primary thing. It would be a welcome relief but, more importantly I feel...

All people everywhere are daily seeing an intense God-intended spiritual battle going on these days, in our faces, between the light of God and the darkness of evil. Trumps governing is more like what God intended, vs. Obama and Biden governing from the pit. We had O, then we had Trump, then Biden, now a likely a Trump return. People have woken up to the vast difference. People are wanting and standing for what Trump represents, turning away in droves from the dark side.

They asked, which side does one want to be on! Where is this world going! It will never go back to what it was! Bad things happening everywhere! If I die in all this - where will I go! It's high time I come to Jesus in the midst of all this change, insecurity and turmoil!

So that is my perspective overall, and with how I feel the Lord is using Trump today. Not to make America or the world great again, but to draw whosoever will, to the goodness, Light and salvation of our Creator God and our Lord and Savior Jesus.

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So, should we still vote?

I know I will vote.

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I always vote but I do not put my trust in any of them.

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You should always vote if you can. Even if the leaders/politicians betray our trust, they are heaping up Judgement upon themselves. God will be glorified in that Judgement.

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Thanks for the clip, Kolleen … brings back memories like it was yesterday of that WS game.  Even though … the Diamond Backs beat the Yankees Cry  that  night was an emotional time.

Phil, we all have free will to either vote :mail: or not to vote.  People just really need to do the research before voting though.  I’ve been in churches that put guilt trips and I recall this one forum board was notorious for pressing members to vote … “God wants you to vote” rah rah rah.  “Its a sin not to” rah rah rah.   And then it was … “you got to vote for the lesser of the 2 evils” :scratch:   Hmmm … when evil is still evil do we still vote for evil?  B-)    I knew some born again prophecy watcher Christians that voted for Obama twice because they wanted “the perks”.

After learning about the Bush family … I personally stopped voting in 2004 for Jr’s 2nd term.   Then in 2008 they pushed in our faces Mitt Romney, the Mormon, (Mormonism is a branch of Masonry) and I knew Mitt was for the NWO agenda and in the same club house with Obama.  So I didn’t vote.  Nor did I vote in 2012 when they gave us, John McCain.  However, I did vote again … for Trump in 2016 and 2020 only … because I saw something different in him from the rest.  He was a business man and not a politician and he wanted to clean up the swamp and he aligned himself with Christians and with Israel.  He’s the only one I can say I still don’t regret voting for.

Local state elections … its a toss up … if you live in a conservative state then by all means keep voting for the decent candidates.  I’m unfortunately in a liberal state and I didn’t bother voting a few weeks ago because ALL the candidates weren’t worth it.

To sum it up … I just don’t put confidence in man … America has reached a point of no return … God permitted Trump to be in office to stop the NWO  in its tracks.  But since evil cheating elections prevailed … that means God is permitting the final days of prophecy in motion … to advance at breakneck speed.  Jesus said in Revelation 22:12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.

Quickly here means when prophecy fulfillment is racing/revving up … so if Jesus is coming when things are falling into place quickly and we can’t keep up with the news … do you think God is going to slow it down again? :unsure:   I just can’t imagine being here for “another” election.  America is already circling the the drain …  I’m looking up for the Blessed Hope … hopefully some time this spring??? :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn

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Well said Sis!  Voting is'nt a duty, but rather a privilege we have choice to exercise!

At times it's like getting to vote for punishments on hell!

Our last stolen election gives proof of it's often futility!


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All I asked for was a yes or no answer to my question, not a lecture.

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There was no specifying of wanting only a yes or no answer in your question.

So beyond that, people are free to share their thoughts in their replies, pertaining to the posters comment, and the members additional thoughts. :rose:


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In my opinion, if no honorable person is running for an office, and the only choice is a bad choice, then don't vote re: that office.

But don't then ignore the whole ballot! Mark or place your vote for the best choices of those whose history and track record has been in standing for God, Country, and the People.

As is said, don't throw out the (clean) baby (because) the bath water is dirty.


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