And this just in from the "How stupid do they think we are?" file. For the past couple of weeks, the World Health Organization (WHO) has been conspicuously silent about concerns over "a new wave" of the pandemic, while non-peaceful, evil, violent looters "protested" in large crowds with COVID-19 impunity as they destroyed property, wounded many police officers, and in some cases took the lives of Americans (many of them black Americans) across the country. Now, on the eve of the first Trump reelection rally in months scheduled for Tulsa on Saturday, the WHO suddenly reappears voicing concerns about a new wave and accusing the White House of reckless behavior that could launch a spike. Really? These folks must really think we are complete morons. Whatever someone may think of President Trump, the hypocrisy coming from those seeking to destroy this country and force us into a one-world totalitarian global government is just laughable. There are some reports that Antifa and BLM are planning on showing up at the rally. I suspect if they do, they will be met by the President's security detail with something much different than the red carpet they have received in Seattle. I would not be surprised if some people end up in Hades before the night is done, to be held for a thousand years until the White Throne judgment, at which point they will be cast eternally into the Lake of Fire. Protesters need to choose this day whom they are going to serve. Eternity is just a heartbeat away and the stakes could not possibly be higher. Their hypocrisy is telling. Black lives don’t really matter as over 300 black lives are murdered in the womb everyday in the USA. BLM doesn’t care about that. Rioting is ok but peaceful gathering is not. Thankfully, God is not hypocritical and these habitual liars will get their just due. Stupid will be the biggest line of attack. For the rest we will be branded as haters and wrong thinkers. The latter will be forced to adhere to whatever is deemed correct! Again, thinking of the fiery furnace. Their rebellion was open and visible. They could have faked it, but chose not to. I wonder how many were faking it? TR
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June 19, 2020 2:04 pm
2 Replies
June 19, 2020 7:17 pm
June 20, 2020 1:28 pm