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For what's it worth....

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The meaning of the number 17

In the Bible is that of "overcoming the enemy" and "complete victory." God overcame the sins of rebellious humans when he began to flood the earth through rain on the 17th of the second Hebrew month. Noah's ark and its eight passengers rested on the mountains of Ararat on the 17th of the seventh month (right in the middle of God's annual Holy period known as the Feast of Tabernacles).


Number 17 and our standing with God
In Romans 8:35 the apostle Paul asks a simple question which is "What shall separate us from the love of Christ?"  He extends his question a little more by asking if the following seven things could separate us, which are tribulation, persecution, distress, nakedness, famine, the sword or any other danger.

Paul then tells us ten things that cannot get between our God and us. These are life, death, principalities, powers, angels, things present or to come, depth, height or anything created. Thus, we have 7 + 10 = 17, representing a Christian's perfect and eternal standing with God through Christ.


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SEE YOU IN THE SKY! by Bro. Paul

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A Very Interesting Blood Moon Rapture Update! by Bro. George


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I went back to the youtube comment section and 2 people that live in Allentown, PA area said they still have diesel but the e-readers are down …

”I live in Allentown very near this station and the sign did say that but it wasn’t because they didn’t have diesel it was they couldn’t sell it because the e-readers were down and pumps weren’t working.”

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Cool so he has the rapture possibly happening on Thanksgiving Day or Black Friday? Talk about a day you think not. B-)   Can you imagine if it happened on Thanksgiving Day and while sitting around the table with family and friends … and disappearing?  Or on Black Friday when people are out shopping  … and the grid lock traffic and the mass confusion? :wacko:

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Bro. George is saying that the 8th is the day or heads up day at least.

The 24th or 25th is the starting day of Tribulation.

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As I recalled and shared some of the miraculous events of my birth and bragging on the Lord, I always considered myself a one pound baby as I lost weight when the umbilical chord was cut.  But a couple of months ago the Lord asked me a question.  He asked me what did I weigh at birth?  My thoughts were you know what I weighed Lord, 17 ounces!  Then I asked myself why would the Lord be asking that?!  Then I began to draw a correlation between my 17 oz birth and the 17th day of Chesvan!  Therein is my personal preference to the tie in for Noah!  Hmm!  TR

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King Charles III turns 74 on November 14.  I'm circling it!

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Just curious … why would that be significant?

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I didn't say, but I will speculate. I hope to be gone by then because it is the day after the religious leaders make their way up the mountain to receive new revelation.  My speculation is we leave on the 11th, then the strong delusion is the 13th. The question is, why did they plan it the day before his birthday?  Somewhere I got the idea that he is now the head of the Catholic Church, above the Pope. And he is also honored in the Islamic community. Seems like they will be joining together to honor him that day.

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