Five Doves March 14...
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Five Doves March 14th, 2021 Letters.

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Five Doves March 14th, 2021 Letters.

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Keeps getting worse.  I am still hoping to be gone by May!  If it must be by Nisan 10 then that should cover all the calendars.

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LOL ... I didn’t want to say it ... I was just waiting for someone to say something and you both did. :mdrmdr: I agree some really off the wall articles this week :wacko: I felt like I was reading the Star and National Enquirer tabloids. B-)

I’m not sure what is worse ...

The government is preparing the world for full disclosure of the UFOs and Tucker Carlson will host the show


The Vatican plans to collect the DNA from King David’s body to “recreate” the Messiah to fool the world that the Messiah is here ...”

Whaaat???? Poor King David ... I can just visualize him looking down from heaven’s balcony and shouting leave my bones alone.

:prayer-hands: We are ready Lord :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup:

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Oh my!  Just listened to the first posted video by Hemi: Is it a Very Well Designed Killing Machine?

Lord help us!

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Rapture April 4th video on 5 Doves worth listening to!


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Please ignore John B's letter. He is completely off the rails and is doubling and tripling down on his anti pre trib Rapture position. No bueno. :negative:

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Yep ... I’m also avoiding the letters from Doug L as well ... because he seems to get on his soap box each week by telling us we are unworthy unless we pass thru and have the right attitude, etc. when we face various trials and testings in this life.   And if we fail the testing ... we will get left behind. 🙁    Seems to me he’s adding works in with Grace and Faith. :negative:  He fails to realize we ARE worthy immediately after we confess our sins and ask Jesus to be our personal Savior and Lord of our life ... we then are Born Again into the family of God ...  “ And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.” John 10:28.   We are eternally secure forever. :amen:


Speaking about plucking ... thank you T.R for urging us to watch the Rapture 4/4 link!  Back when these blood moons were happening ... I noticed 2 things ... the world not only got darker as more evil was being exposed globally after each one but the seconds started to also speed up on our clocks. :yes:

I am so thrilled with this  watcher’s diligence in brainstorming and noticing the pattern of April 4th landing on the same day of the Resurrection (1st Sabbath) in 33 AD!   Soooo cool B-)

And now its lining up perfectly once more on Resurrection Sunday  4/4/2021 (2nd Sabbath)?!!   :yahoo:

:prayer-hands:  That the Lord of the Harvest ... plucks His corny children :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn out of this evil world as we fly upwards to Beulah Land ... sweet Beulah Land! :whistle:

Luke 6:1  “And it came to pass on the second sabbath after the first, that he went through the corn fields; and his disciples plucked the ears of corn, and did eat, rubbing them in their hands.


Just wondering if Pentecost and Ascension day are also lined up perfectly to occur on the same exact day as in 33 AD?

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Yet another day that works out well in theory and on paper!  Again remaining dubious, but hopeful!

Lord have mercy if we are still here after this year!

Again, all the more reason to await a divine disclosure!  Guess work only takes us so far!


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because he seems to get on his soap box each week by telling us we are unworthy unless we pass thru and have the right attitude, etc. when we face various trials and testings in this life.   And if we fail the testing … we will get left behind.      Seems to me he’s adding works in with Grace and Faith.

Seems to me he completely nullifies grace and faith. He is in for a HUGE surprise!

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