Gotta watch out for those hormones, Blue! 😉 I just bought the book "Summer is Near" by T. W. Tramm. I found it an excellent read. Very succinct and perfect to pass along to someone who needs to understand the times. He says that the Bible mentions only 2 seasons: Summer and Winter. Summer (including Spring) portrays birthing, new beginnings (as in new dispensations: age of Law and Church), weddings (Ruth and Boaz / Shulamite and her Prince), harvest, figs put new leaves, deliverance from Babylon and Egypt, decrees, etc. Summer is a six month period from March to September. This time frame includes many appointed days. I recommend the book as I found it very encouraging and a quick read. TW Tramm is excellent. In the above video, his calculation starts at Tishri 10 for the date of the decree. If you crudely subtract 190 days to get back to a Nisan 1 start date as some people use for the date of the decree, you get today, Feb. 19. So we are officially in the season. Bumping this encouraging video. Hoping he is right about this being the year. Hoping Heather is right about Nisan 10. Hoping to be out of here soon! Al we can do is hope and pray! Soon and very soon! It will be glorious for sure! TR There is a good argument for Apr 4th on 5 Doves as well! TR
Summer is coming soon. ^^
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