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Election Update from Unsealed.org

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Hmmm...the media, including Fox News (run by cat licks) will likely draw this out.
More clicks and viewers for them and more uncertainty and chaos.

It doesn’t seem they will call any of the remaining states, even ones in which Trump is clearly winning. Pretty lame if you ask me.

All part of the plan, I guess.

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They refuse to call the election tonight. This is pathetic. The USA is not a third rate banana republic.

Oh well, time for bed. God will sort it out. Smile

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Per Amir’s twitter       :prayer-hands:

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Trump's 100k WI lead evaporated overnight.  Those pesky 94% Biden counties got counted,  I guess. :wacko: MI went from a 320,000 Trump lead to nearly a dead heat.

This whole thing reeks of manufactured crisis.  :negative:

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Good morning everyone. Did you guys see JD's update this past weekend. He talked about Elijah hiding in the cave and upset that God did not 'drain the swamp'. But God did not drain the swamp because Elijah was about to be raptured. I may not be telling that story completely right - trying to remember JD's words Smile  I sure am hoping that was a timely word in the event of Biden winning.


I'm shocked that it is this close. I really thought that every Christian would stand and vote for the Christian values. I was expecting a landslide for Trump. I'll say again - I'm shocked!  :wacko:  It sure is a sign of satan's veil of deceit going around.


JesusGirl - What part of Texas are you in? Me and Texas Sue (if you remember her) are in the DFW area.

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JD's update was excellent,  as always.  The Rapture would be the best "consolation prize" if they give this election to Biden.

And by "consolation prize" I mean,  there won't be any consoling. Just rejoicing.  :yahoo:

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I agree ... something fishy is going on and it stinks! :negative:

I was readying Israel is watching this closely and very concerned if Biden should when.  I wonder how this is going to change the dynamics in the atmosphere in the Middle East?  Israel seemed so secure with having a friend with the Trump administration and now they will be on edge once more because Biden will undo the sanctions against Iran, etc. and perhaps even arm all of Israeli’s enemies.  So I wonder now how could the G/M attack be a total surprise to them?   Is this why Israel will easily embrace the AC with his false promises of protection?

I trust we are still leaving in 2020 ... perhaps see the many sign on before we go or will it be earlier?

What are your thoughts?

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Not to jump the gun but if this is a loss for Trump then he is still President until the inauguration in January.

Do you think he and Jared Kushner will try and push the Israeli peace deal to a final settlement before leaving office?

Will a Biden administration have any interest in continuing with a "Trump" peace plan?

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Biden's administration would swiftly cut all funding ti Israel and give it to the palestinians. They will try to undo everything Trump has done.

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Jesus is still Lord!

Indeed, the swamp may not be drained by Rapture is on our horizon.  Just like Elijah!


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