Election Update fro...
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Election Update from Unsealed.org v.5

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Meanwhile overseas in Italy ... KABOOM


Oh and remember Mother Teresa?  The Vatican made into a “saint” ?  You know what this “lovely” lady assignment job was?  To smuggle orphan children back to Rome so they could be abused and then sacrificed to satan. Cry
Note: the declass files will be shocking of who is also involved in crimes against humanity.  The club consists of many Hollyweird “stars”, music industry, sports figures, corrupt politicians, news media, and numerous royalty families around the world.

Just think ... their wish for population control will soon backfire in their faces and its them who will be removed from society.

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Rick Jones
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Here is a piece of information that explains why Italy was involved with the election. Turns out the Vatican is tied to the Act of 1871 when the country became a corporation. Here is a link to the article.


Also, Lin Wood tweeted a Parley that includes information "Pope Francis is still in Federal Custody in Italy, hence, he has not been seen on video. The FBI are enroute for the interrogation, according to sources"


Rick Jones
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I thought this article made sense given everything we have been hearing. I don't know the author, is was a shared by someone on MagaBook

"A peaceful transition is coming. Trump will NOT be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States on January 20th. Trump WILL be sworn in as the 19th president of the United States on March 4th.

Allow me to explain.

You believe you live in a nation called the United States of America. That nation has not existed since 1871 when this country ceased to be a nation and became a corporation owned under the City of London (every time you see an American flag with gold fringe and gold tassels attached to it, it represents the corporation, NOT the country).

This is the reason that you can never seem to get ahead financially. This is why the law seems to always be stacked against the average citizen while the wealthy and elite literally get away with murder (and worse). If Biden, Harris. Pence, Pelosi, etc. are arrested for their crimes before the 20th of January, there will be nobody to assume the presidency. Since Trump was not certified as the presidential winner by congress, he cannot remain president.

If, on the 20th of January there is NO PRESIDENT, the corporation known as The United States Of America will be dissolved. The military will be the guardians of the nation during the transition. People will then be shown irrefutable proof that the election was stolen by foreign entities and that Trump was chosen by a landslide. Trump then assumes the Presidency as the 19th President of the United States (the last president elected before America became a corporation was Ulysses S. Grant).

Now, I really don't know all of the particulars involved with this. I just know that the end goal has always been the destruction of that 1871 corporation and the return of America to the people as the democratic republic it was always intended to be. The next month and a half will be chaotic. Be sure to have plenty of food and water. You may be shut in for a time. Comply with the National Guard and the United States Marine Corp. They have sworn an oath to the nation, not the corporation created by the Act of 1871.

Be vigilant. Pray. Your nation is being returned to you."

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If they haven’t arrested Pelosi yet ... I think after they download all of her files ... and wipe the memory clean ... they should install this screen saver pic before handing back to her. :whistle:

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Indeed as speculated, the sins of man are being made known! EXPOSED!

God's judgement will be vindicated!

We all expected this later before the throne of God!  Not now though!


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I know ... wasn’t expecting this major overhaul clean out to occur so soon.  Now I wonder if they gutted out the Vatican ... who will play the role as FP?  Will it be some muslim religious person out in the desert region that is a descendent of Ishmael and the Jews will accept since they share the same father Abraham? :unsure:

Looks like the future hot spot for the OWR will be here as well as in Jerusalem ... :popcorn

UAE to open synagogue, part of interfaith compound, in 2022
Abu Dhabi complex will include church and mosque; follows pope’s visit to country earlier this year that resulted in religious tolerance pact

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Geri and all, please see my post on the other continuing string .. the insurrection act has been signed ... it is happening and Trump is moving .... yes, the President of Italy has been arrested for espionage against the US election as MI-6 agent, therein why the Queen is now out, she authorized it!
This is so popcorn moments in history.... we are almost there children! :yahoo: Can you just believe it! So awesome :prayer-hands: :flyup:

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:thankyou Tammie for the heads up!

I quickly went out to get more non perishable food and, of course, chocolate candy bars, chocolate cake that’s already baked, cookies, chips and dog food for my fur baby to last 2 weeks. Then I went to the ATM and I got $400 and then when I tried to retrieve more the machine said I can’t do that!  UGH!  I talked back to it  “I want my money ... and I want it now!” 🙁   So I will try again very early tomorrow morning ...

ThankQ for your advice about downloading the Duck Duck search engine! I just did that on my iPad.  I also downloaded my photos to my ipad as a back up since they were only stored in the google cloud.

I’ve never used screen time and I don’t use Apple Pay - never set that up so am I ok or do I still need to turn it off? :scratch:

I have a gmail account so I manually wrote down all my addresses earlier today  just in case they delete my entire address book.  I can retype them back in manually

I have a dumb phone ... I’m going to jot down the contact numbers next ...

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Hope this posts. 7000 groups in DC as of this evening.... can’t get the video to post .. shows marching troops

Can’t validate this but apparently from one source, Pelosi was picked up at 1155 pm last night at the Canadian boarder and current location is unknown.

Well known source per Robert Steele states that today a military tribunal is ongoing at Gitmo w/Sidney and L. Wood presenting 290 plus affidavit demonstrating treasonous acts against the US and the American people.

Keep praying, our flight should be about ready! Be safe everyone. Trusting only our Father, who keeps you ... Numbers 6:24-26 (try singing it, amazing peace) :prayer-hands:


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Tammie, i don't know what to believe except for sure that Jesus will come for us before the trib. He is going to be a glorious sight for sore eyes


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