El Paso is Tragic--...
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El Paso is Tragic--Rapture Impact to Earth Dwellers Exponentially Worse

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I just saw some of the details on the news regarding the tragic shooting in El Paso today (parenthetically replete with the typical liberal outcry for more gun control...smh...but I digress).  I would imagine this is one of those kinds of experiences which, unless you have actually gone through something similar yourself, is very difficult to meaningfully empathize with the victims.  Truly another horrific incident that has sadly become the new normal of our day.

As I listened to the news reports about what had happened, I recognized the need for prayers of comfort, peace, grace and healing for all those involved in any way, including those who just live in the community.  At the same time, I had another thought that really sobered me.  As tragic as this act of domestic terrorism is, and it is tragic to be sure, it is on such a relatively small scale compared to the chaos, panic, and fear that will take place across the world when the harpazo occurs.

When the trump of God sounds and the Lord's bride is called up, the impact obviously won't be isolated to a single location and a relatively small group of people.  There is going to be fear, panic and chaos on a scale that none of us have ever experienced.  If young children are going to be taken to be with the Lord, as most of us biblical Christ-followers believe they will, that single dynamic in and of itself will have an unprecedented, terrifying, chaotic impact like nothing we could even imagine.  I suspect there will be widespread fear, panic, terror, and chaos, all fueled by a mass collective cognitive dissonance that perhaps creates the vacuum into which God's strong deluding spirit finds its home.  Every town and city across the world will be impacted--hundreds of thousands of El Paso's if you will.    That is a staggering thought is far beyond our ability to fully comprehend.

I would not wish it upon my worst enemy.  My heart breaks for those who will have to experience it, but overflows with gratitude that we, true believers in Jesus Christ, will not.  Save as many as would come, Abba, and then send Your Son to get His Bride.  Maranatha!!!




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No doubt after the Rapture happens people are going to lose it!  Sadly there will be many levels of increasing  hurt and anger.  Many emotions simultaneously occurring.

And with godly restraint removed, sinners will continue to increase in their sins.  Otherwise ordinary people will become easy prey.  It will be totally lawless for some time.  The worst of mankind will certainly be made manifest.  Despair will overtake and drown many.

Seems to me that for many choosing Christ will quickly become the only immediate and apparent choice.  Those that are stubborn, prideful and deeply hurt they were indeed left behind will take more time choose.  And those who have already chosen to deny Christ will quickly align themselves with the powers that be.

Aside from a great harvest for the kingdom, there won't be anything else to celebrate.  Except for the death of God's two agents.




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Yes, it will be a horrendous situation for those left behind. So many of today's movies have already begun desensitizing people to the chaos that will ensue as well as the events that seem to happen nearly daily these days. I am sooo glad I will not be here to witness it and my heart goes out to those who will be.

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Sadly, I can almost imagine the horrors for those left behind, but shudder to do so!  Lord have mercy on all of us that desire to be in His presence.

We know of the Lord's integrity in keeping His promises, even when we have struggled to keep ours at times!  How glorious is the Lord's heart towards those whom He loves.  His integrity even clothes His vengance.

Being weighed in the balances of God and being found wanting and then bypassed by being left behind is only the beginning of God's revenge.  Every wrong ever done against us, will with divine recompense be repaid!  His justice will prevail, yet the world will deny God this right!

Thankfully He is merciful even in His judgments.  For within this mercy, He still offers himself and his sacrifice to those who will repent, even in the midst of the last days!   His goodness is great but it can only be apprehended by giving Him our heart!  Therein lies the greatest obstacle of all mankind!

Men's hearts have been given over to every base and unimaginable thing throughout history.  But like Satan, his offspring refuse to give their hearts over to the Lord God Almighty!




