Can’t read the entire article unless subscribe, but it speaks volumes to validate what Billy Crone has been saying AI and drones as they line up for the tribulation. :prayer-hands: One time over the last several months MFATW said that they are working on an identification system where people will be able to be identified on some kind of computer map. He said right now they can see the people walking around, but they want them to be able to be identified. When they get this system perfected, the folks on the map that can't be identified will be taken out by a drone. The Tribulation is going to be absolutely horrific. With killer drones flying around, it sounds like a sci fi horror movie. As Tammie says, "Father, we gotta go!" He spoke about it in the context of national security, but I am sure they will find more uses for it. Blue, It’s always in the interest of “our safety” that’s the lie! They use it now for the Vaxx (biological), masks, and social distance. It’s for our safety and others .... people will buy into this “protection” just as quickly as they did for the whole plannedemic. :wacko: Yep! Like they care?! Truth is they want to kill us off! TR
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