Dr B Awe puts true Pentecost Jul 24/25. Check it out. We could go the 24th or 31st of July! TR Here are the links to his two-part message. Have only seen bits and pieces so far. Caveat viewer. From what I gather, he is looking at a timing pattern related to the original Exodus of Israel being replicated for the Church's Exodus via the harpazo. Looking at a potential window for the last seven days of July, leading up to the 9th of Av, Dr. Awe's reasoning is that Israelis gathered on original Pentecost, heard GOD a little bit then feared the direct conversation with GOD. Instead, Moses went up to the mountain and be with GOD for 40 days and came down after total 47 days later. That is how he got July 24th based on his Pentecost date June 6th/7th. However, should use the generally accepted May 31st, then July 17th is the date. I didn't watch these videos yet but if Pentecost is 50 days after Passover then shouldn't we be looking for true Passover ? Is determining true Passover every year impossible or something ? :feedback I really like Barry Awe's presentation, but I remain unconvinced. In my mind, Pentecost has been fulfilled, and I always thought that the Feast of Trumpets is a better fit (I know many will disagree). I believe that the watching community will be on the same page when the time is upon us. What I see at this point is a general consensus that we are very close and that sign posts are coming daily (peace plan, pandemic, riots, locusts, technology, casless society, etc.) Indeed on the same page! He will quicken our spirits and continue to confirm our Blessed Hope! TR I see many focused on now thru Aug 5. If we make it past then, I think everyone will focus on Feast of Trumpets. Steve Monette has many videos about Pentecost. This very interesting one from last year seems to confirm what Dr. Awe is saying. I got very confused trying to count and figure out the right date. They start counting on different days, and Dr. Awe was going by his date he found in the heavens which was a week off, but I am thinking July 17 to 26 is the time frame they agree on. That would be awesome! Many dates postulated, nothing jumps out or confirmed in my spirit! But a window in time does seem to be narrowing! TR Here is a new one:
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