Does this mean....
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Does this mean....

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Cool, thanks Blue for those dates and when Noah enters the ark!  So to recap we got these high watch dates :mail:  to be on alert for … any others?


October 17    Feast of Trumpets 2029 - 2520 (tribulation days) = October 17, 2022


October 26   Feast of Trumpets begins on the Torah calendar  & Yom Kippur 2029 - 2520 (tribulation days) = October 26, 2022


October 31    Halloween (I think it was Jesus’ Birthday)


November 1   All Saints Day


November 10  Noah enters the ark

Genesis 6:8 says But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord so is this a parallel to  when the (Age of Grace) Church Age ends?   As in the days of Noah so shall it be when the Son of Man returns? 


November 13   The One World Religion crowd goes up Mt Sinai  - to pick THAT date the numbers are intriguing 11 and 13 …

11 means chaos, disorder & judgment

13 means rebellion

(Genesis 14:4 Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and in the thirteenth year they rebelled).

I wonder when the Abrahamic Worship House Grand Opening is planned?  Nov or Dec?


November 15


November 17  the flood started … will the tribulation start on this date?


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Actually what I meant was that Genesis 7:11 tells us that in the second month on the seventeenth day of the month the fountains of the great deep were broken up....which is the beginning of the flood. If going by the Torah calendar which started the year on Sept 27 sunset, the 17th day of the 2nd month is November 13, 2022, beginning sunset on November 12.  This is the same day of the religious leaders trip up Mt. Sinai.  Wouldn't that be something for them to be meeting up there and watch us all ascend! They may say that up on that mountain they got some revelation about why we went away.

Then by Torah calendar dates, if the calendar were to be corrected by one month, FOT would begin on Oct 27ish rather than Sept. 27.  So correcting myself, Oct 26 would be Elul 29 if the calender is off a month. Just depends on when they see the new moon, close. So in this case it would look like the tribulation would start FOT 2022 and end Yom Kippur 2029.

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I have read that halloween was started as a day to remember the dead of the flood. Wouldn't it be fun to decorate for halloween with an ark and animals on your front porch and explain that to the kids as they visit?  There are probably tracts to hand out that already do that. Please don't bash me about halloween, it is a good witnessing opportunity, we can make each day the Lord's day.

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According to the Jewish calendar the 8th day of Sukkot is Oct. 17....but according to the actual new moon sighting it could actually be Oct 19/ we have that to watch this week too :yes:

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Tom Gaston has found 3 Bible Codes that mention the rapture and Cheshvan 9 which is November 3.  I'm still hanging in there for this year but like TR, sooner is better for me.   And like Churchgal says, even this Monday is a watch time being the last day of Sukkot.

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Indeed!  The Rapture is a given, just a matter of it's timing!  TR

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OH!  I just had a thought.  Maybe this was already obvious to you all. The first trump was heard when people were gathered at Mt. Sinai...maybe the last one will be also.

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That’s right!  Forgot about that.  GREAT reminder.  Also I’m pondering when the United Nations announces the 2 state solution “peace and safety” speech will it be on the October 26th anniversary of the Jordanian / Israel peace accords to make GREATER or will they tie it in on the November 13th Chrislam crowd going up Mt Sinai event?   Or will it be on the day Noah entered the ark?

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I'm voting for our exit by the dates Churchgal said above....because they are the soonest.  Then they confirm that covenant Oct. 26th and receive the strong delusion Nov. 13.

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Ok Geri, that Economist Magazine cover that you have posted before with the little arrows on the ground had some numbers with them that we speculated about last year.  Seems like they were 11/1 and 11/3?  I wonder if something special is planned for those dates.

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