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Coronavirus Talk v.9

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Actually I never heard of Borscht soup.  You had me going there to actually look up a recipe to try it … until you mentioned … “add the mushrooms in the soup”. :groan     I agree the pickled beets are nasty.  I had to throw away a huge jar thinking I would like them.   I don’t understand it because I can eat pickles and olives no problem.  They put beets in the V8 drinks so I can tolerate it that way with the other fruits and veggies to disguise the taste.

Oh I remember that spirometer!  They gave that to me before I left the hospital after having gall bladder surgery.  The first time I used it I was at home and was trying my hardest to get it up to the level they wanted but  I fainted during the process and collapsed out of the chair on the hardwood floor. :mdrmdr:    After waking up I was in soooo  much pain from the incision area … it took a while (20 minutes?) to get off the floor to stand up again.  I refused their pain killer prescription drugs … so I took a couple of Advil for the pain.  I toss that breathing machine in the trash can. :yes:  I just made sure I sat up (used more pillows) while sleeping for a couple of weeks and I was fine with no water built up.


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I am meaning they were sick in Feb. 2020.

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You had never heard of borscht???

Marvelous stuff. 😉

Eastern European food is amazing!

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http://By Leo Hohmann, 24 June, 2021 Tweet Share Print Mail ‘Good doctors are doing unthinkable things’ …They ‘appear to be under a spell’ The most highly cited physician on the early treatment of COVID-19 has come out with an explosive new video that blows the lid off the medical establishment’s complicity in the unnecessary deaths of tens of thousands of Americans. Dr. Peter McCullough said these deaths have been facilitated by a false narrative bent on pushing an all-new, unproven vaccine for a disease that was highly treatable. He said COVID was a bioweapon and the vaccines represent “phase two” of that bioweapon. “As this, in a sense, bioterrorism phase one was rolled out, it was really all about keeping the population in fear and in isolation and preparing them to accept the vaccine, which appears to be phase two of a bioterrorism operation,” McCullough said in a June 11 webinar with German attorney Reiner Fuellmich and several other doctors. He noted: “Both the respiratory virus and the vaccine delivered to the human body the spike protein, the gain of function target of this bioterrorism research.” Most of McCullough’s comments come in the first 10 minutes of the below video. “Now I can’t come out and say all this on national TV today or at any time,” he continued. “But, what we had learned over time is that we could no longer communicate with government agencies. We actually couldn’t even communicate with our propagandized colleagues in major medical centers, all of which appear to be under a spell, almost as if they are hypnotized right now.” He did not hold back in his criticism of his colleagues in the medical community. “And doctors, good doctors, are doing unthinkable things, like injecting biologically active messenger RNA that produces this pathological spike protein into pregnant women. I think when the doctors wake up from their trance they’re going to be shocked to think what they’ve done to people.” McCullough is professor of medicine and vice chief of internal medicine at Baylor University and also teaches at Texas A&M University. He is an epidemiologist, cardiologist and internist and has testified before the Texas State Senate related to COVID-19 treatments. He holds the distinction of being the most widely cited physician in the treatment of COVID-19 with more than 600 citations in the National Library of Medicine. In the video, recorded by Oval Media, McCullough said: “The first wave of the bioterrorism is a respiratory virus that spread across the world, and affected relatively few people—about one percent of many populations—but generated great fear.” He said the virus targeted primarily people over 50 with multiple medical conditions. It poses almost no risk to children. He said 85 percent of the more than 600,000 U.S. deaths could have been prevented with a multi-drug treatment given in the early to mid-point of the disease. Instead, people were told to stay home and not return to the hospital unless their symptoms got worse, such as severe breathing problems. By then it was too late for many. They were placed on ventilators and died. The vast majority of doctors jumped in lockstep to follow these erroneous “guidelines” handed down by the World Health Organization and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. Those guidelines neglected to place any focus on the treatment of sick patients and, from the beginning, as early as April 2020, started emphasizing the need for a vaccine as the only real hope of beating back the virus. The federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System [VAERS] logged 5,993 reports of deaths of people injected with the COVID vaccine between Dec. 14, 2020, and June 11, 2021. That’s more than all the deaths reported to VAERS from all other vaccines combined over the last 22 years. But these numbers, as shocking as they are, don’t scratch the surface of the actual number of dead Americans, said McCullough. “We have now a whistleblower inside the CMS, and we have two whistleblowers in the CDC. We think we have 50,000 dead Americans. Fifty thousand deaths. So we actually have more deaths due to the vaccine per day than certainly the viral illness by far. It’s basically propagandized bioterrorism by injection. See: Latest CDC VAERS data for 12- to 17-year-olds include 7 deaths, 271 serious adverse events following COVID vaccines McCullough added that “every single thing that was done in public health in response to the pandemic made it worse.” He said the suppression of early COVID treatments, such as hydroxychloroquine and especially Ivermectin, “was tightly linked to the development of a vaccine.” See: New Study Links Ivermectin to ‘Large Reductions’ in COVID-19 Deaths Without the suppression of the already-available treatments, the government would not have been able to legally grant Emergency Use Authorization to the three vaccines rushed to market by Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson. In the case of Moderna, the U.S. government is co-patent holder through the National Institutes of Health, a clear conflict of interest. “I published basically the only two papers that teach doctors how to treat COVID-19 at home to prevent hospitalization and death…If treated early, it results in an 85 percent reduction in hospitalizations and death,” McCullough said. So not only were the vaccines rolled out unnecessarily by suppressing already available, effective treatments, but the FDA and CDC are now covering up tragic numbers of deaths caused by their experimental mRNA injections. McCullough said he has organized groups around the world that emphasize early treatment. “Governments have actually tried to block early treatment of COVID patients, so we created a home patient guide,” he said. “We broke through to the people, and the people who got sick with COVID called in to get medications from mail-order distribution pharmacies. So without the government even knowing what went on, we crushed the epidemic here in the United States towards the end of December and January. We basically took care of the pandemic with about 500 doctors and telemedicine services. And to this day we treat about 25 percent of the US COVID-19 population that actually are at high risk, over age 50 with medical problems or present with severe symptoms. And we basically handled the pandemic, and at the same time we’ve tried to keep ourselves above the political fray.” McCullough said his focus has recently turned to the unnecessary and dangerous injections. “We are working to change the public view of the vaccine. The public initially accepted the vaccine and we had to kind of slowly turn the ship. Now, in the U.S. the rates of vaccination have been dropping since April 8. Most of the vaccination centers are empty. “We have a lot going on in the United States. We are engaging more and more attorneys.” :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: 

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Sorry about the color and underlining, this was the way it was written. :dieu: :dieu: :dieu:                                   http://News Behind the Vaccine Veil: Doctor cites ‘whistleblowers’ inside CDC who claim injections have already killed 50,000 Americans By Leo Hohmann, 24 June, 2021

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Blake — they are still “too little, too late” —- surprisingly, this vaccine is still be pushed and people are still following like lemmings over the Clift with everyone else to get the Vaxx, wear a mask, stay six feet apart. I think we will see (if we are still here), a lot of people begin dying end of summer or early fall. Very sad! I am very ashamed of the medical world for buying the lies of Dr. Falsey and following blindly w/o doing the research ….. They failed humanity in Non-maleficence — “do no harm”

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Source: Biden to be removed from power after failing 70% vaccination goal by July 4th… globalists may accelerate plans for economic and cyber takedown of the USA
By Mike Adams


The Biden administration is now on track to fail its 70% vaccination goal among US adults. According to a source who spoke to me several weeks ago, this means Biden will be deemed a failure by the globalists running the planet-wide extermination campaign, and Biden will be removed from power. (Not instantly, but his removal will be irreversibly set into motion.)

Globalists are disappointed in Biden’s inability to exterminate the required number of Americans

According to the CDC, only 56.1% of US adults are now “fully vaccinated,” a number that’s far from the 70% goal demanded of Biden. This goal was handed to the Biden / Harris regime in the same way similar goals have been demanded of other nations, including Canada, Australia, etc. As part of their global depopulation / extermination agenda, globalists have demanded that nations meet high vaccination uptake rates by specific deadlines. The deadlines are intended to ensure that billions of people are fully vaccinated before the masses come to realize the vaccines are biological weapons containing spike protein nanoparticles which are designed to cause deaths and infertility as part of a twisted globalist agenda to “save the planet.”

The truth can’t be covered up forever, and just today the FDA announced it would add a warning on Pfizer and Moderna vaccines due to the risk of deadly heart inflammation that continues to strike young, healthy men.

The sheer desperation of Biden and Harris is now obvious in their own actions, with Kamala Harris begging democrat voters to harass unvaccinated people by knocking on their doors and demanding they all get vaccinated. This is a kind of “coercion by proxy” that seeks to recruit obedient sheeple to be vaccine enforcers. This effort has failed, of course, which means Biden has just a few weeks remaining to ratchet up the vaccine tyranny and push for more aggressive means of vaccine compliance, possibly including forced vaccines at gunpoint (if they dare take it that far).

If he triggers that approach, however, the backlash will be swift. Americans won’t accept being forcibly injected at gunpoint with an experimental medical intervention. Thus, the Biden / Harris regime will clearly fail to reach its 70% goal. Once this is confirmed on July 4th, it means things will be set into motion to remove Biden from power. Watch for Biden to be forced to step down due to “health reasons.”

Try as they might, anti-human, anti-American globalists can’t convince conservatives and Christians to commit vaccine suicide

This doesn’t necessarily mean that what comes next is any better, of course. The anti-human globalists currently running the Joe Biden Alzheimer’s presidency will only support a replacement that they believe can somehow convince tens of millions of conservatives across America to be injected with deadly spike protein bioweapons. Kamala Harris clearly isn’t that person, as she is the very opposite of charismatic and tends to invoke reviled hatred in every person she attempts to lecture.

Convincing conservatives across America to be injected with a deadly bioweapon will likely require the assurances of a trusted conservative who already has high standing in the minds of the conservative masses. Is that person Trump? Possibly, but it’s too early to tell. In my assessment, the globalists are going to fail in this because any conservative that starts urging people to get vaccines will instantly lose credibility and be seen as a backstabbing traitor. (Mike Pence sounds perfect for that role.)

Thus, the next question becomes: What do the globalists unleash next, after America fails to meet the 70% vaccination target?

The likely answer is they move ahead with the next phase anyway.

The vaccine deaths were just a softening-up phase, preparing for the final war to take down America

That next phase, according to my sources, is likely to include a combination of economic and cyber warfare against America, the aggressive pushing of internal strife and race wars (via the journo-terrorist media), and targeted assassinations of pro-America patriots (McAfee, anyone?). The cyber warfare component is likely to target the power grid infrastructure in an attempt to plunge America into darkness and chaos. I fully expect a heightened number of cyber warfare attacks on America within the next 90 days.

Once America is sufficiently weakened from within, both Chinese and Russian troops will be activated within America, combined with troops stationed in Mexico pouring northward, across the southern border. Their orders will be to destroy America’s military infrastructure and seize control over entire towns and cities, executing mayors and any resistance fighters, then claiming ownership over the new “occupied” America.

Note that some analysts I’ve interviewed, such as Jeffrey Prather, believe China will not even need to escalate this to ground warfare because they have already infiltrated and control nearly every institution of power in the United States. So opinions do vary on what’s next, but yesterday I received intel from another source that told me Russia is currently engaged in paying Mexican drug cartels to smuggle weapons across the border, depositing them in “staging sites” in the continental United States in preparation for war activation.

To be clear, what I’ve learned over the last two years is that some of the weapons pre-staged on U.S. soil for use by Chinese and Russian troops include:

Fully-auto AK-47s
Mobile mortars (probably 60mm or similar)
They are also staging police uniforms, communications gear, rifle suppressors and other equipment that will be used in open war against the American people. We also believe that China-linked left-wing extremist groups such as Black Lives Matter have successfully stolen several armored vehicles from military bases over the last few years. Those vehicles will resurface in the coming war, of course.

Note, too, that China is believed to be behind the mysterious drones that are surveiling US energy infrastructure targets and military bases. has produced extensive reporting on this “stealth drone” phenomenon.

Based on what I know right now, every American should be preparing for the USA to be invaded with foreign troops. Hence the mad rush by Democrats to disarm all Americans via weapons confiscation (ATF operations, banning AR braces, etc.) in order to make it easier for China and Russia to conquer the continental United States.

I believe we are on the verge of World War III, and in fact China’s covid bioweapons assault on America was only the first phase, aided by Fauci and his cohorts who have long served as puppets of anti-American globalists.


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"Globalists are disappointed in Biden’s inability to exterminate the required number of Americans"

Not funny but lol

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Period! I agree. :good:

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