I don't know but I can find out. I am curious about that myself. When high profile celebrity athletes start having problems, something has to give soon. Kent, From what I've been hearing over the past few weeks is that the "So-called cure" is the actual bio depopulation weapon. The vaxxed are being told they don't have to wear masks now so they can spread something called a "Spike Protein" to everyone who isn't vaxxed. https://www.brighteon.com/b0f402f5-2923-4d89-853a-2e4e770b9608 Unfortunately it's too late for everyone. Here in America close to half the population has been vaxxed which means they'll spread the "Spike Protein" to everyone else. If Jesus doesn't come back like real soon their won't be anyone alive to be Raptured alive lol I hate sounding this horrible but I don't know what else to think or say at this point. If you have watched J.D. lately you can pick up that he's thinking and feeling basically the same thing about all of this. I’ve been thinking about this too … the church hast to leave VERY soon or the ratio percentage of “alive and remain” group for the rapture will not be around at all. Its all about to explode soon … between the famine, the drinking water shortage, because of drought, the financial collapse … the war drums beat louder every day in the Middle East … Turkey is becoming intoxicated with the city of Jerusalem … and the news media are going to disclose all the alien junk in June to explain away our departure … Oh and we have this promise in the last book of the Bible/last chapter Revelation 22 verses 20, 21 aka 2021 😉 could this be a clue? :unsure: 20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. 21 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. Keep looking up for Maranatha Airlines. Passengers will be caught up momentarily. No carry-ons … except for fur babies. :mdrmdr: Please make sure your shoe laces are kind of loose or better yet stay barefooted. :whistle: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: I was wrong about a recent comment I made on here. I said something like people have been talking about a coming real man made pandemic for global depopulation reasons but not one single person I could remember was talking about using vaccines to wipe out most of humanity. Anyway i just watched this video and somebody was warning people back in 2009 and I did see this back then but totally forgot about it. https://www.brighteon.com/ea272116-bbc9-45ee-b708-7b67b1086e5f This thread also needs a new start! TR This is my favorite team and I’ve been following the situation closely with them vaxxing (using the 1 jab Johnson & Johnson ) all the players, personnel, and fans when they entered the ball park. Its impossible to keep track of the fans health situation but when the main stars are on the sidelines, after receiving the jab … you would think this is a red flag to stop promoting the jab! Why haven’t they put the connection together yet? Is the deception lie too great to think straight? :unsure: ——————— This was back on May 5th NEW YORK (AP) — The Yankees and Mets can increase capacity from 20% to 100% at their ballparks for home games starting May 19 — as along as fans are vaccinated against COVID-19. And both teams will be giving away free tickets along with vaccinations. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo made the announcement at a news conference on Wednesday with Yankees president Randy Levine and Mets president Sandy Alderson. “Theoretically if you had 100% vaccinated, you could fill the entire stadium with 100% vaccinated,” Cuomo said. “Unvaccinated, it is still the 6-foot social distancing. In other words, our capacity restrictions have been relaxed subject to the federal CDC social-distancing guideline of 6 feet.” The Johnson & Johnson one-shot vaccination will be offered at the ballparks, and a person receiving a vaccination can get a free game ticket. - Fair Use - Surely true that things are in a very dire state! We are indeed at a tipping point or a point of no return! Unless we return to be with the Lord from whence we came, the greater portion of the Bride will be the dead in Christ! TR