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Coronavirus Talk v.13

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When we are down to nothing, God is up to something. Hang in there, gratefulforgrace. :prayer-hands:

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Can we just say DUH! :wacko:

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Well I am not in CA, but he is not getting my vote that is nazism reborn and Tranny in your face — wow, he certainly drank a 5 gallon keg of the koolaid…. :wacko:

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Isaiah 41:10 “fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

We are in turbulent times, but our God is bigger still! :prayer-hands:

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So true Arthur! Expect the unexpected from our King and He is always a God of the last minute, so we are about to go….. :prayer-hands:

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Predictive programming from 90 years ago about how to take over the world:

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Here we go …

Los Angeles city council votes 13-0 to create a vaccine passport zone that will ban the unvaccinated from bars, restaurants, concerts and movies 


If its hard to read the print … this lady is bragging about being fully vaxx and she has her freedom back and urging others to do so to.   And now … guess where she is at?  In the hospital after a rare heart inflammation link to Pfizer. And even with this side effect, she said … I will get the jab again. Side effects can be treated, dying from Covid 19 can’t.  The benefits outweigh the risks. :wacko:

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:prayer-hands:   Please Lord, rescue us soon out of this insane “twilight zone”

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I used to think this verse applied solely to nuclear fallout … now I’m wondering if its because of the toxic vaccination junk they are pushing on to all the nations?

Revelation 22:2 - In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

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CDC Forced To "Adjust" Sunday's Florida "Record" COVID Count Lower By Almost 50% After State Health Department Cries Foul On Data

By Tyler Durden    August 11, 2021

The CDC has been forced to "adjust" its Covid-19 case tracker for Florida after the state's health department took to Twitter earlier this week to call out incorrect data.

As of Tuesday, the CDC "was working with the state’s health department" to get the data right, according to a report from Fox News.

Florida's health department called out the incorrect CDC information publicly, stating earlier this week: "Wrong again. The number of cases @CDCgov released for Florida today is incorrect. They combined MULTIPLE days into one. We anticipate CDC will correct the record."

The CDC had reported 28,317 new Covid cases on Sunday, but had "adjusted" the number to 19,584 cases by Tuesday, the report says. Florida's health department claimed that there were 15,319 cases on Sunday a number that is almost 50% lower than the CDC's originally reported number. 

"On Tuesday, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported the state has surpassed 20,000 for its 7-day average of new cases, a day after the federal agency misreported numbers given by the Florida Department of Health by combining data from the last three days into two," Fox reported on Wednesday, after first pointing out the data discrepancy earlier in the week.
Florida's hospitalizations were up by more than 1,110 to 14,787 on Tuesday.

Recall, earlier this week we noted that Governor Ron DeSantis was threatening to withhold salaries from school officials who defied his mask mandate ban.

According to a statement issued by DeSantis' office - just days after his threat to cut funding resulted in a 'pause' on a proposed mask mandate in Broward County - one potential consequence for defiant school officials would be a loss of income.

“With respect to enforcing any financial consequences for noncompliance of state law regarding these rules and ultimately the rights of parents to make decisions about their children’s education and health care decisions, it would be the goal of the State Board of Education to narrowly tailor any financial consequences to the offense committed. For example, the State Board of Education could move to withhold the salary of the district superintendent or school board members, as a narrowly tailored means to address the decision-makers who led to the violation of law," reads the statement.
...unintentional? Too late to correct all those Sunday morning political shows 'gloating' over DeSantis' state outbreak.

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I presumed that the leaves would cure various ailments of the people that populated the Millennium. I suppose that would include radiation poisoning from a nuclear war. Since many will enter the Millennium with mortal bodies, they will have need to be cured of all the toxic junk they have accumulated.

Since they will have children, they won't want to pass on any genetic defects to them do I would presume the leaves would purify their DNA. Perhaps like Adam and Eve's before the Fall.

It sure will be nice to not see any chem trails, GMO foods, toxic therapeutic drugs, etc. anymore. :yahoo:

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