New Study: 'Risk of COVID Vaccine-Induced Fatality Is Equal To Or Greater Than The Risk of a COVID Death For All Age Groups Under 80 Years Old': A new study finds that “all age groups under 50 years old are at greater risk of fatality after receiving a COVID-19 inoculation than an unvaccinated person is at risk of a COVID-19 death. All age groups under 80 years old have virtually no benefit from receiving a COVID-19 inoculation, and the younger ages incur significant risk.” The study by Kathy Dopp and Ph.D. Stephanie Seneff reports numerous bombshell revelations including that “vaccine manufacturers neglected to calculate absolute risk reductions based on the prevalence or likelihood of a person developing symptomatic COVID illness.” I reported this week: Coronavirus vaccine maker Moderna Therapeutics issued an initial public offering (IPO) for its stock in 2018 that made now-disputed statements in an attempt to portray messenger RNA (mRNA) as an “impermanent” ingredient that does not change “genes or cell DNA.” But research has found that mRNA, which is a main ingredient in Moderna and also Pfizer-BioNTech Coronavirus injections, permanently affects and alters the human body. Over 1 million excessive deaths in the u.s. since the plandemic began. https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2022/02/15/1-million-excess-deaths-in-pandemic/ Obery M. Hendricks Jr., a religion professor at Columbia University, said last week that Christians who refuse to wear masks are possessed by "the spirit of antichrist." "These folk are not fulfilling their gospel responsibility. They're violating it. They're spitting in the face of it," Hendricks said. "It's anti-biblical. It's anti-Christian. And I'll go farther … what we see reflected in their attitudes and their actions and their pronouncements is what 1 John calls the spirit of antichrist." Yeah, Whatever. Pfizer plans to submit data on a 4th Covid shot to FDA. Federal health officials are continuing to monitor whether another booster dose will be needed and, if so, when: Pfizer is close to submitting data to the Food and Drug Administration on a fourth dose of its Covid-19 vaccine, according to CEO Albert Bourla. “Clearly there is a need in an environment of omicron to boost the immune response,” he told CNBC in an interview Friday. Bourla said Friday that Pfizer's scientists are now seeing the protection from the initial booster shot begin to wane against omicron after three or four months, meaning a fourth dose may be needed. But young people, who are at a lesser risk for severe illness, are unlikely to benefit from an additional dose, he added. Bourla said Friday that the elderly and those with underlying health conditions are likely at the highest risk and will likely need an additional dose. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/pfizer-plans-submit-data-4th-covid-shot-fda-rcna19675 Vaccine-Injuries SKYROCKET: Two Months into 2022, Vaccine-Related Myocarditis Reports in VAERS Have Surged to Nearly Half the Total Reported in 2021: For several months, the US public health regime and the bootlicking media have been routinely downplaying the risk of developing myocarditis after taking the vaccine, calling the occurrence “mild” and “rare,” and systematically burying any evidence to the contrary. However, myocarditis – a potentially life-threatening inflammation of the heart – is in no way a ‘mild’ adverse reaction to the vaccine – especially when 90% of cases that have been recorded in VAERS ended up hospitalized – so, in other words, that half of the narrative was just an outright lie. And as for the claim that the condition is ‘rare,’ that was seemingly also completely false. Cases of myocarditis have exploded in the US since the rollout of the experimental vaccine, even in populations that aren’t normally as likely to develop the condition, like children and young adults. What’s worse – the pace at which otherwise healthy Americans are developing the life-threatening heart condition is speeding up. For several months now, actual experts like Robert Malone – the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology – and Dr. Peter McCullough – the most published and cited cardiologist in the world – have been warning about the “reprehensible and reckless” conduct by US public health officials with the experimental Covid-19 Vaccines – especially the recent decision to approve the jab for young children. According to McCullough, who cites several studies to back his claims, Vaccine Induced Myocarditis is a rapidly growing problem that has become at least 50% more common than originally predicted by the US public health ‘experts.’ The condition has become so prevalent, he says, that children aged 12 to 17 are actually “more likely to be hospitalized with Myocarditis” after taking the vaccine than the virus itself.
The study, presented at this link, is entitled “COVID-19 and All-Cause Mortality Data by Age Group Reveals Risk of COVID Vaccine-Induced Fatality is Equal to or Greater than the Risk of a COVID death for all Age Groups Under 80 Years Old as of 6 February 2022.”