So yet again — why are we so focused on this distraction — it is like the below YouTube —— irony of irony for sure … —- fairuse —- Oh, NO!!!! :mdrmdr: New Hampshire Lawmakers Propose Bill that Will Allow Pharmacists to Administer Ivermectin Without Prescription: I've just received an urgent prayer E-mail. I would appreciate any prayers for the Canadian truckers and their protest against the unlawful mandates. Obviously, I want them to be successful and for all the mandates to be lifted (and then hopefully American truckers will follow suit with the same results) but most of all, I want the truckers to be safe and for there to be no violence. :prayer-hands: PS -22 Celcius = -8 Fahrenheit. URGENT Truckers outside of Ottawa are having significant logistics problems with 100's of trucks filled with families presently stranded on Sir John MacDonald Highway outside of the city. The police have blockaded them and not allowed them to proceed any nearer. MASSIVE EMERGENCY PROBLEMS: there are no gas stations, no stores, no restaurants, no toilets, no food, no water. The drivers are running out of fuel. It's -22 degrees and they need to run their trucks or they will freeze with their families inside tonight. AND apparently they have suddenly lost access to Zello, the trucker app they have all been using. They are unable to contact the facilitators to let them know about their plight. They are phoning family back home to leave comments on the Facebook pages to hopefully get their situatiion to the leaders for help! Lastly, the drivers are being warned to watch for troublemakers tonight showing up on that lonely road when they're all alone and not to open their truck doors to anyone. These people are in trouble and need our prayers. AND if anyone has legitmate contact information with anyone involved in leadership of the Convoy, please let them know that things are dire for these Western drivers and their families. Masks on Planes to Become Permanent Like Anti-Terror Rules: Budget airline Ryanair says that mask mandates on planes will become as ingrained as post-9/11 rules about liquids in carry-on bags, suggesting they will basically become permanent. The comments on face coverings were made by Neil Sorahan, the airline’s finance chief, who suggested rules put in place to fight COVID-19 will become fixed in a similar way to measures introduced after the terror attack on America in 2001. https://summit.news/2022/01/31/masks-on-planes-to-become-permanent-like-anti-terror-rules/ Johns Hopkins University Study: ‘Lockdowns Have Had Little to No Public Health Effects,’ ‘Imposed Enormous Economic and Social Costs’: A Johns Hopkins University literature review and meta-analysis of the effects of lockdowns on mortality stemming from the Chinese coronavirus found that “lockdowns have had little to no public health effects,” and have “imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted.” “In consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument,” they added. An analysis supports the conclusion that lockdowns have had little to no effect on COVID-19 mortality. More specifically, stringency index studies find that lockdowns in Europe and the United States only reduced COVID-19 mortality by 0.2% on average. Report: All-American Company Fires Unvaxxed Employees, Asks Them to Sign 9-Page Agreement to Stay Silent: The Hershey Co. enacted a COVID-19 vaccine requirement for employees and now the company is firing employees who have not complied. A representative of the iconic Pennsylvania-based chocolate manufacturer said employees who have not been vaccinated are being “separated from the company,” WHTM-TV in Harrisburg reported Wednesday. Hershey announced its vaccine mandate for salary employees in August, and it went into effect on Oct. 4. “Hershey is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy environment for our employees and our customers,” the company said in a statement. “We believe that the best way to protect the health and safety of our employees, their families, and our various business partners is to ensure that our salaried employees are vaccinated against COVID-19. This is to reduce the spread of the virus and the potential for serious disease or death.” Not only is Hershey firing employees who did not comply, but it is also asking the employees on the way out the door to sign a nine-page confidentiality and release agreement that would remove their rights to sue the company and to talk about their experience there, The Epoch Times reported on Monday. Signing the agreement would give the fired employees “special separation payment,” the report said. Many have declined to sign the agreement and so won’t get that money. The Epoch Times reported that employees said the payment for the agreement was determined by an algorithm, and for some workers, it was as much as two months’ pay. One employee, Kim Durham, shared her thoughts. “I thought this was behind me until September when I met with an HR representative. It was an interrogation on your religious beliefs. They twisted your words and tried to put words in your mouth. It was terrible,” Durham said. Fortunately, many fired employees from Hershey reportedly did not sign the confidentiality and release agreement. Perhaps they will file lawsuits against the company for harassment and show the nation how inappropriate it is to threaten and bully employees over the vaccine. How sneaky! Makes you not want to purchase their chocolates. I actually had the Hershey cocoa powder in my hand on Tuesday and thought about it because I want to make a homemade chocolate cake and then I put it back and said another time. I got to see if there are other competitor brands to choose from. B-) I sincerely hope those employees sue the company especially now that the supreme court has ruled against the OSHA law. I will be on a mission to find other sources of chocolate..... :calvin