Coronavirus Talk 16
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Coronavirus Talk 16

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Yes, it's nothing to do with health at all. It's to pressure people into getting the clot shot.

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short 4:48 minute  clip of the Australian official mentioning what "contact tracing" will look like in the New World Order … they are not hiding it anymore … its matter of face in our faces …


- Fair Use -

Posts: 4883
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Interesting headlines

Italian psychiatrist: “Elites are getting fake vaccinations!”

Idaho doctor reports a ‘20 times increase’ of cancer in vaccinated patients

U.K. is abandoning their plans for a Covid passport?  

At least for now. Why? Here are some comments:

One person said
They are doing it because the people are resisting it....we need to do that here.

Another said

What I am seeing in Asia is - no mass protest especially in the very corrupted muslim countries like Gulf-States, Saudi, Pakistan & Malaysia where the lock downs have been severe. Some have already mandated the jab & the digital pass. The only mass protests are in the western countries.

In fact in some of these countries - the masses rush/queue miles long for the antidote. They want it badl;y.

The Muslims & the Buddhists are asleep.

- Fair Use -

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Well yesterday on the Brooklyn Bridge … small protests walking and holding up signs against the mandatory vaxx … while chanting F Joe Biden … I can’t post the youtube because of their chant.  But you see both whites and blacks walking in unity. I’m sure it will pick up steam with greater numbers … and I’m sure its also happening in other cities across the nation right now.  Are we at  the tipping point with people finally being fed up?   Should be interesting in the days ahead, if we are still here … what happens next … :popcorn

I’m wondering when the AC comes on the scene if he will say … the vaxx is not required?   He will instantly be accepted just for that statement alone.

And based on “New World” lyrics by Prince … people will be given a pill …

“Guaranteed to thrill with no ill side-effects
A pill that will stop the wrinkles, a pill that will stop the pain” - Fair Use -

Will the AC offer “a fountain of youth” pill promising healing from the COVID side effects from the jab?  But this pill tricks them … when it changes their DNA? :unsure:

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That would make a lot of sense. The real evil NWO lead by the Antichrist denouncing the fake evil NWO and offering a "cure" which will somewhat fix things but cause other problems. Perhaps they will seek death but not find it?

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Me too … I had the same issue going on with the chocolate thread … it double posted … so I had to put something there … and wrote “THE END”.  But I’m still not sure if I’m thru with that storyline yet … it “might” get an encore. :groan

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I thoroughly dislike the 5 minutes to edit your posts limit. Mods feel free to remove the previous two posts of mine.


This should be the correct link:

Posts: 4883
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Poor thing.  I experienced a mild sickness twice so far being around 3 people who were vaxx.

I stayed clear away from this lady at the grocery store the other day … she had on a sleeveless shirt and this metal magnet button that said “she was vaccinated” was adhered to where the needle went. :wacko:   She was walking around like she was the cats meow and others were looking at her strangely.

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Telling and frightful!

So much science and evidence which medically condemns this vaccine, yet the fear and lies continue!

Above all this is a medical choice!


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I've been doing a lot of grocery shopping and picking up prescriptions for my dad. Anyway I've been around a lot of unmasked vaxxed people for a while now.  And now for the past couple of weeks I've been getting painful pins and needles a few times a day in my lower and upper body so I'm 100% convinced the spike protein is inside of me and multiplying.

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