Interesting with all that is going on -- why would we hold 7,000 national guard troops in DC until mid-March? https://www.newsmax.com/us/national-guard-washington-dc-troops-march/2021/01/25/id/1007106/ Probably to stay there while the kangaroo impeachment trial is going on. ? I 100% disagree Joe Biden may be writing executive orders like its going out of style however I do believe that the military is in control. Whether its Feb, March or April I 100% believe that the military will put Trump back into office. They will fully explain the fraud within the election cycles. They will talk about payoffs to elected officials. Elected officials will be arrested and people will be going to jail. Its been Trumps decision I think to let the people see what a Moron Biden and his decisions are to make the transition easier when he is put back into office. You have to keep in mind we owe China and Saudi Arabia Trillions. China stands the most to lose if Trump is put back into office. If Trump bankrupts the US. Puts us back onto the Gold Standard and into Nesara. China and its communist regime will collapse and democracy may finally have a chance. Whether Biden or Trump stays in office 1 thing has been hammered home and I think we all know it. "We are heading towards a global reset whether its through Joe Biden and the Cabal or Donald Trump and Nesara Reset." AT THE END OF THE DAY NEITHER OF THESE OPTIONS CHANGES THE COURSE OF THE FINANCIAL COLLAPSE PUTTING THE 10 KINGS INTO VERY NEAR PLAY. In my opinion at NO POINT IN BIBLE PROPHECY HISTORY HAS THE NEARNESS OF THE RAPTURE BEEN ANY CLOSER AND PREDICTABLE. We are in the season. The Rapture is very near in my opinion. We only have tiny glimpses of what is going on behind the scenes, but it all makes sense as to how the one world government may come about. Things keep moving forward, take a pause or don't happen just the way we thought they would, but eventually we have a clearer picture. It is amazing to watch it all! Indeed, God pro ing His word is sure! TR To protect Biden and keep the psyop going ??? This big boy flew over my house yesterday. My house is in the flight path to Point Mugu Naval Air Station. The Air station is located in Ventura County California. The plane is an Air Force C17 Globemaster. Typically don't see these guys landing at a Naval Air Station, not sure if it means anything. This reeks of lame conspiracy theories. I dont want Biden in office any more than the rest of you. but this is just rediculous. If the military was going to step in now it would be a coup. And if it failed, and then was found out that Trump was behind it, they would throw him under the jail and we would be posting Trump didnt hang himself memes on FB. All Trump would have needed to do before his last day was order martial law. at that point the US military would be in control of the country and neither president would be in charge. In case any of you dont know this, the president no longer is in charge of the country under martial law. Then under the military code of law they would be doing investigations until a final verdict was made and possibly an arrest would follow. Thats how it works. Biden is president (yes he/they cheated) but there is nothing that can be done now for another 4 years. Hopefully the rapture happens way before that. If not then we will be seeing Trump 2024 signs shortly. Biden's fake government lecturing the Myanmar military after they arrested the government due to a fraudulent election with massive voter fraud. Very interesting... :mail: There is a lot of troop movement. That was a C17 a troop carrier. I still think out military will attempt to make mass arrests including Biden. The planning involved has to be astronomical.