And if I have to, I'll celebrate Christmas here! Giving thanks for Christ, God's mediator! And the lover of my soul! TR Again the Way, when we think not! TR Apparently peace and good will towards men can only be found in Heaven! No amount of words can describe our desire to be with Christ, nor convey the depths of our emotions! As God administers His sovereignty over all matters especially the Rapture, let Him be glorified! And may we and He be glorified Christmas Day! TR ‘Twas the plight before Christmas, and all through the House COVID masks cluttered their desks without care, Fraud and deception poured from the Feds And Joe with his prompter, was giving us laughs, On the floor shutdowns became such a chatter, There in the chamber scams swelled in a flash, Their talking points needed some polish to claim When, what to discerning minds should appear, With his pattern of lies, and since truth made him grouchy, More dense than a rock, his supporters became, “Now Virus! Now Delta! As the left’s agenda came hurtling through the air, And then, in that moment, I sensed in my heart the timing and purpose of each little part. A King on a horse, with crowns on His head, His eyes–how they burned! His armies, they came! With the blade of His sword He will conquer His foes, Arrayed in fine linen, snow white at His side, His rule will be just, and His reign will be strong, I returned my attention to the woes of these times, I therefore exclaim, before we all lose our cheer, Great! TR As like Christmas ornaments adorning our trees, the fruits of the Spirit adorn us! Both in battle and in basking in what the Lord hath done! TR 5 days and counting! Hopefully a more clear picture will emerge with regards to Christmas! Well, heres hoping! TR Thanks for posting that Donna! :heart: That's a "Share" for sure! Donna that was awesome - thank you for posting this. :good: :yahoo: It is true! He is so near, you can almost smell the heavenly mania freshly baked and prepared …. Chocolate sprinkled on my manna, thanks! Truly hope that our conviction of the lateness of the hour is justified! TR
all of Congress was showing the brains of a mouse.
no photo ops meant they could simply stay there.
as ‘Build Back Better’ danced in their heads.
as he mumbled at random with his typical gaffes.
Aides sprang to their feet to assist in this matter.
they ripped logic apart, and threw truth in the trash.
their tyrannical plans didn’t deserve any blame.
an incompetent Doctor the libs lauded so dear.
I knew in a moment it must be “St. Fauci.”
and he thrilled as he shouted some terms of his fame:
Now Mandate, Now Passport!
On, Booster! On, Tracker!
On, Vaccine and Distort!
To globalist goals!
To America’s fall!
Now crush away! Crash away!
Smash away all!”
the little ‘expert’ reveled in haughty grandeur there,
So up to the House-top the wicked plans flew,
all chock full of lies which they all clearly knew.
As I gathered myself and contained my despair,
an image gained focus, I became more aware.
and his garment was stained a deep bloody red.
He was coming for war, and His mouth had a sword,
He was fierce in His anger, His wrath He had stored.
On His robe and His thigh there was written a name.
“King of kings, Lord of lords,” His identity clear,
the leaders of earth quaked and trembled in fear.
He will strike down the nations and save those He chose.
His armies that followed were known as His Bride.
He was regal and righteous, of glorious might,
and He laughed as the wicked prepared for a fight.
He will dash into pieces all those that were wrong.
He’ll speak only a word, that'll wrap up the fight,
His fury abated, He’ll bring back what's right.
to the lawlessness, lies, and the folly and crimes.
I have a real hope that burns bright in my being,
It is coming for sure despite what we’re seeing.
“Merry Christmas to all, Christ’s Coming is near!” ~ ~ Stephen Schmutzer