Christmas Carols?
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Christmas Carols?

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Patricia N.
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Have you noticed where you live that the radio stations are only playing secular Christmas music?  Frosty the Snowman,  Have a Holly, Jolly Christmas, I'll Be Home for Christmas, Santa Baby, etc.  Nothing to do with Christ, the reason for the season.

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I haven’t noticed … I only have the radio on if I’m driving far and its usually the Christian station.  So are the Christian stations in your area only playing the secular Christmas music to?    How about in the stores … are they playing music?  Around here in the stores they are only using their loud speakers to announce  the COVID rules in our faces and suggesting we wear a mask even if you’re fully vaxx  and to keep your distance.   They got to keep the masses in a mind control state at all times and living in fear.  I went to the library yesterday since I needed to type up a few documents and print them out and the librarian was on my case because my mask was loose in her eyes … claimed too much air was escaping. 🙁   I had to do what she said with fixing the gap holes … and then … I couldn’t breathe. 🙁    I quickly typed and printed out those documents in record time … just so I could be outdoors once more and take off that stinking mask!

I have Christmas CD’s  that I only listen to … so I don’t rely on the radio.

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Even though they say that Christmas is pagan, I love the decorations, the  stores, the festive logs, egg nogs, fairytales of Santa and lovely Christmas  movies............ among other stuff

what I don't like is the way a lot of people  behave around Christmas time: hardly any acknowledgement  of the reason, spending too much money, turning it into a big party...........

Also,  not being thoughtful enough to consider anyone who is isolated on Christmas and making sure to connect with them and invite them.

so many things annoy me about people's behavior around Christmas time, that I always wished the rapture would happen around that time to somehow also send a strong  message  to the millions celebrating it who only think they are Christians.

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The Christian radio station that normally plays only Christian music for 10 1/2 months of the year is now Christmas music 24/7. The classic Christmas Carols are fine (Hark the Herald Angels sing, Silent Night, O come Emmanuel, etc.) but the bombardment of secular music is noticable. :negative:

The worst though is that everyone has to have a Christmas album and they just have to put their own stamp on it. So you get, "Joy to the worldohhhhh eeee uuuuu waaaaa, the Lord is come oooohhhh eeeeee uuuu uhhhhhh wah wah wahhhhhh..." *Ugh*  :negative:

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LOL! ??? I agree with you, Arthur!

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Indeed!  Songs of true praise and worship are birthed in thanksgiving!

Not just emotionally uplifting!


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I am sorry for that Jeri — we are not even wearing mask here in my area of the state. We go and come as before. There are some parts int he state that still demand masks. I have to go to the Pentagon this week and the restrictions are tight. Proof of neg test, current photo, all kinds of forms …. Crazy indeed. 🙁

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I have stopped listening to anything but Christian stations and only watch a few you tube channels. Most of it is just distractions…. My opinion — there is nothing new under the sun and the hatred for man is growing and very evident on “normal” TV and radio. 🙁

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True that!


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That's interesting Tammie! I hope you get to see some of the Christmas decorations of DC while you are there, I imagine they are pretty....and maybe you can tell Biden's administration all that they're doing wrong, if you have an extra day or :mdrmdr:  Have safe travels! :bye:

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