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Charity's 5 6 7 Jesus

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From my previous post, I have suggested that Jesus shall come back on the real Shavuot which is Tammuz 26. And takes 2019 to 2026 timeline for example, Jesus comes back on Tammuz 26 2026. Adding 30 + 45 days ( the extra days in 1290 and 1335 days ), we come to the eve of Tabernacle. Tabernacle is also the end of 1335 days. Subtracting 2520 days from Tabernacle 2026, we come to November 2 2019 as the possible date for the beginning of tribulation and rapture.

November 2 falls on Cheshvan 4 this year. Charity heard the number 5, 6, 7 , Jesus, and bang, the door of the Ark closed. Noah entered the Ark on the 10th day of the second month which corresponds to our modern time Cheshvan. He stayed inside the Ark for 7 days. 5, 6, 7 may represent the last 3 days which are the 5th, 6th and 7th day in the Ark. Then the door shut. If 5 , 6, 7, Jesus and the Ark closed has any indication to the rapture, it should point to Cheshvan as the month for rapture.

She also saw a calendar with paper being ripped. But every time the paper is ripped, the number 11 kept coming back. 11 may indicate the month the rapture shall happen.

Combining Charity's 5, 6, 7 Jesus, the Ark closed and the number 11, it may point to rapture shall take place in Cheshvan especially when it falls on November.

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The tension keeps escalating between Iran and US lately. Based on US's request, UK just seized an Iranian oil tanker. There is also a rumor of US caused the fire of the Russian sub in Bering sea. Putin cut short G20 summit and went back home to discuss with his defense secretary. If this is true, Putin shall definitely retaliate. VP Pence changed his plan abruptly and went back to Washington. China has warned their merchants ships crossing Malacca strait to the highest third level security. What is going on?

My bet is summer war is coming in the middle east region. Under threat, Iran shall retaliate by ordering their proxies to attack Israel. This is the three shepherds war in Zechariah 11. God shall cut them off in one month. This could be a Rosh Hashana war. That should take us to October or November. Then bang, booms, God calls the church home. Hallelujah !!!

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2nd Coming, Joel Joseph gives a very compelling discussion for the last trumpet on Rosh Hashanah this year, in his Edition 476, posted this July.

With all things considered, it very well is certainly solidifying our 2019 departure. :prayer-hands:


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Wow, Tammie this Joel Joseph teacher really does have some compelling statements and making a strong case for Feast of Trumpets - ok I got my eyes glued back on Feast of Trumpets vs getting side tracked with the churches birthday, Pentecost.  Perhaps this Sept 29th - 30th, which happens to fall on Sunday or Monday, will be home going day? :mail:

1 Thessalonians 4:16 “The Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God...”

1 Corinthians 15:51-52 “Behold tell you a mystery, we shall not all sleep, but we will be changed, in a moment in a twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet, for the trumpet will sound...” (Last trump of church age)

So, we see in these two verses above that the rapture is associated with trumpets blasts.

As we look at the seven feasts of the Lord (Leviticus 23) we see something very interesting, or should I say, we don’t see it! Remember that the feasts plot the prophetic course of spiritual history.

Passover (the cross) has no trumpets associated with that feast. Neither does Unleavened bread and Firstfruits. And here is the biggie: The feast of Pentecost has no trumpets associated with it either.

But as we come to the Feast of trumpets: - trumpets are everywhere!

Again, remember that the rapture is directly associated with trumpet blasts.

The Feast of Trumpets is the next in line for prophetic fulfilment. The Feast of Pentecost has already been fulfilled on the day of Pentecost and the start of the church age. The next gigantic spiritual, prophetic event to occur is the rapture and the close of the church age and start of the tribulation, all with trumpet blasts.

How plain simple, logical and reasonable that is! In fact, if you try to rearrange this, nothing fits properly in the big scheme of things. Besides being logical, this order of events bears inner witness.

The Feast of Trumpets clearly marks the new day / year / dispensation change. That is where the rapture should take place.

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Geri, Joel is very matter of fact, does not mince words, states the case according to the scripture. He is a Messianic Jew and like Amir, speaks, reads, and understands Hebrew, so his interpretation of scripture comes from a Jewish mindset. I personally find that perspective refreshing.

I’m not good at the numbers like 2nd Coming is, but I do consider myself fairly knowledgeable in the Bible. Joel really lines up the feasts with prophecy. I just ordered two books by Ken Johnson from Prophecy Watchers (Gary Stearman), on Ancient prophecy revealed and apocalypse of Ezra. Excited to get them & devour them quickly. :popcorn :prayer-hands:

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Tammie, do you know if Joel is using the same calendar we go by or is he using another calendar for Feast of Trumpets?  I know the feast could get delayed if the 2 Jewish guys don’t see the moon sighting because of too much cloud coverage.

I’m getting excited again ... I kind of brushed off Feast of Trumpets and here for years I would only look at that Feast ... for the rapture event. Ironically it was J.R. Church and Gary Stearman ... that steered me away from Feast of Trumpets and made a strong case for being alert at Pentecost.

I can’t wait to read the rest of the link you shared.  Oh wow, those books you’re buying sure sound interesting!  Please keep us posted with any new knowledge! :mail:

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One of the things that just never seemed to fit in my finite little brain with the prospects of a Feast of Trumpets rapture is the idea that there would have to be this 7-year+  gap of time between the ultimate prophetic fulfillment of the FOT and then Yom Yippur & Tabernacles.  Jesus fulfilled the first three feasts together in less than a 2-week period of the same year.  To me, it seems like it would make sense for him to fulfill the last 3 within a few weeks in the same year as well.  The gap just does not seem to fit for me because it causes a lack of chronological symmetry.  Does that cause an issue for anyone else in your own analysis when considering the Feast of Trumpets as a prospective rapture date, and if so, how do you reconcile it?

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I never thought of comparing the time fulfillment between each of the fall feasts to match the spring feast fulfillment because doesn’t the Feast of Tabernacles need to be observed each year for 1,000 years with the Lord dwelling on the earth or do we just count the first one? :unsure:

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Good point!  With regard to Charity's dream and number sequence like so many other avenues we followed in the past it just seems to me that if this indeed was from the Lord, He would be more clear as to it's meaning.  It's timing and application would be more clear as well.

If the Lord wanted to disclose information to the church certainly this would have been enhanced by G0d and given to more than just one person!  Rather, this may have been of a more personal nature.  How long has it been since this dream?  Where is Charity now and what can she add to this discussion.  Why was she not given the key to it's understanding and interpretation?

Seems to me that this just might be another rabbit trail.


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Watchman, if you are referencing the fall feasts, my thoughts:

Rosh Hashanah (FoT, Gathering of the summer Harvest, Jewish New Year, “day of sounding” as in the Shofar) is the 1st feast from God for Fall.

Seven days later is a special Shabbat called Shabbat Shuva (sabbath of returning);

About depends on the moon at FoT — Seven days later is Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement, celebrated for 1 day, October 8 this year or 10th of Teshrei or 5780 - highest holy day for Israel);

Could God be dealing with Israel during the time of returning and FoT - Absolutely, it is between Israel and God, not the Gentiles.

Mandated holy feast is Sukkot or feast is tabernacles, jews are commanded to go to Jerusalem to Temple. Celebrated for 7 days (God tabernacling with man).

Just my thoughts! I am not having a concern with the timing. Much may be in our own finite brains ( as I agree with you on this) that we have yet to understand.

Also in reference to a dream or vision, not to discredit Charity or anyone else, but per the Word, a dream is to have an interpretation, without an interpretation, it is typically not counted from God, just saying. I do believe God gives visions and dreams and healings but they must follow His process to be Authenticated. Otherwise we would fall into the concern of following the false teachers that we are clearly warned about in many passages.

1 John 2:26-27 “I write these things to you about those who are trying to deceive you. But the anointing that you received from him abides in you, and you have no need that anyone should teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about everything, and is true, and is no lie—just as it has taught you, abide in him.“


