I know Ive heard this argument a million times but I would love refresher. Thanks First there is the rapture event in Rev. 4 Then in Rev. 5 is the Judgment Seat and crowns are handed out. Then the praise ceremony takes place singing/saying “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain”. Then in Rev 6:1. “And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. 2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer. Boulder —- keep the ducks in a row, taking nothing out of context, let scripture do the talking! We (The Bride —- whoever heard of the groom placing his bride under wrath, his great love supersedes all our understanding), are not appointed to wrath! :prayer-hands: Remember the old transitive axiom from your math class: if a=b and b=c, then a=c. Well, if 2 Thes 2 tells us the Restrainer must be removed before the AC can be revealed, and the AC is revealed as the rider on the white horse when Jesus opens the first seal (Rev 6), then the first horseman cannot be riding until the Restrainer (Holy Spirit in the Church) is harpazoed out of the way. So until we are raptured, those four horsemen remain on standby, although they are pawing at the dust and neighing to go. I believe the AC will be clearly revealed when he "makes greater" an existing covenant (probably expanding the Deal of the Century) by signing a 7-year deal with Israel, per Daniel 9. Another reason is because we are not destined for wrath. I believe all seven years of Daniel's 70th week (aka "the 7-year tribulation) are the wrath of God. When people say it is only the last 3 1/2 that are the wrath of God, I ask them this question--who do you think it is that is opening the seals at the start of the 70th week? It is Jesus Himself who unleashes those first four seals upon the earth, resulting in a quarter of the earth's population ultimately dying. Hypothetically, if we saw the AC sign a 7-year deal with Israel (which likely would include the ability to build the Temple), and saw apocalyptic wars taking place, along with unprecedented famine and disease, with deaths moving into the hundreds of millions as the numbers grow to one fourth of the earth's population or 1.75 Billion, then we could talk about the pre-trib doctrine being wrong and the horsemen already riding. I don't for one second believe that is how it will play out, but that's what would have to hypothetically happen to cause me to conclude the 4 horsemen are already riding. When the 4 horsemen have been unsealed by Jesus, there will be absolutely no doubt about it. It will make this Covid 19 thing look like a picnic in the park comparatively. Seriously. Hope that helps. None of the seals have been opened yet, nor will they be until we are in heaven before the throne of God. While there have always been wars, famines, death, and persecution, the rider of the first horse has not been released. https://ebible.com/questions/6559-who-is-the-man-on-the-white-horse-in-revelation-6-2 While I agree that we are not appointed to wrath, the only period of time that refers to is “God’s Wrath,” that’s the second half of the Trib. I would not refer to the 4 horsemen (War, disease, death, etc) as part of God’s wrath, but is it part of the Tribulation? Yes. And no, I’m not pro mid trib rapture. David — could not have said it better! We get to be in heaven watching as the lamb opens the seals - one by one- from the scroll that bind shut the deed to the earth, and God takes it back, one seal at a time! So awesome to be on that side of heaven. :prayer-hands: The concept of the "Kinsman Redeemer" is woven into Chapter 5 of Revelation. This is one of those things that needs historical background to appreciate. Yes, the Kinsman Redeemer is found in the Book of Ruth, which is traditionally read by Jews on Shavuot. (Pentacost) Good catch. Always loved the book of Ruth, besides Esther and Revelation and Daniel and Isaiah and Jeremiah—- ok so all. The books except numbers, I struggle with all that counting or Leviticus and all the rules pertaining to the priest but it’s all necessary and all speaks, from beginning to end of God’s perfect plan of redemption. Sure wish it were today! :prayer-hands:
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