Well here's the latest gloom and doom being reported by H.T. I'm only posting it because it goes with what I've been thinking about for the past couple of weeks. Which is I think the stuff is finally going to hit the fan big time sometime this year and probably sooner than later. I'm not talking about WW3 and nukes going off all over the place. So far that situation seems designed to cripple economies even more and cause food and gas shortages and higher prices for both. For at least a year I've been hearing and reading the same thing with no contradictions about the "spike protein" And that is that every lab animal that has ever been injected with a "spike protein" has died from it within 2 years. And for the past couple of weeks I've been thinking if that is true and if it has the same effect on humans then the mass die offs from it should really begin 12 - 18 months after the first doses were given. And the first doses were given in December of 2020 At least here in America. I remember Arthur posted something about there were 400,000 something excess deaths in 2021 a few months ago I believe. Well in the H.T. article I'm about to post below confirms that number to be 499,132 And get this. The whole reason I'm posting all of this is that some people are now predicting that the number of excess deaths in 2022 (In America alone) could be 25,455,732 !!! I'm still very hopeful for a 2022 Rapture either in April or May. And I will leave this post at that. All the people in Sports who have been dying this past year, on and off the field! News reporters fainting/dying, some actors, now our priceless teens and small children! And most of those are in the public eye! We're not hearing about the average people. Where are those reports - kept from the public eye! But there is you search deep enough. When will they connect the dots?! TR When they cut the cord on the tv My friend who took a booster a couple of months ago is not looking good. He said he is not well, feeling tired............ My 13 y/o nephew has had at least 2 shots that I know of so far and he's not looking good either. Every time I go over his house he's either just lying in bed or sleeping. And the last 2 times he came over my house he fell asleep like 2 hours later and then slept for like 16 hours both times. And no I haven't and don't plan on telling him about anything horrible about the vaccine. I just pray for him. I agree Leaving Soon that just praying is the best. I decided not to tell people who are vaxed anything bad about it. I was telling a colleague that the friend who got a booster shot is not well and I connected it with the vax. he immediately said: how do you know? it could be something else. my colleague looked tired and I heard that people who get the vax are feeling tired most of the time, that's why I connected it with the vax. However, thinking back, my colleague also took the vax and he is probably scared when people mention it's side effects and what it can do to them. He probably doesn't want to hear it. That's why I decided to be careful not to mention anymore in front of someone who is vaxed about stuff that can happen. I feel bad and sorry if I have scared people. I guess people who got the vax are already noticing that their health is not so good. I think they are beginning to notice unless God supernaturally protected them and they are really feeling well. will say a prayer for your nephew. Leaving Soon, I am so sorry to hear this about your nephew. Until now it's just been hearing about these children and teens in the news. I am deeply sorry for what is being done to all of them. If we are grieved, we know it comes from the very depth of the heart of our Father. Dear God, in Jesus Name, hold this nephew in Your arms. Heal him Father and he will be healed. Amen!!! TR The Top 10 Creepiest & Most Dystopian Things Pushed By The World Economic Forum If this sounds like a far-fetched conspiracy theory, keep reading. Here are the 10 most dystopian things that are being pushed by the WEF right now. This list sorted is in no particular order. Because they’re all equally crazy. https://olivetreeviews.org/news/headlines/ WEF Partners: https://www.weforum.org/partners#B