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BAD NEWS Like it or Not v.4

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also, from Arthur's post- i love the idea that God in His mercy and grace prepared a place/space for every single soul He created...i know it breaks His heart when someone dies in their sin and stays spiritually dead and will spend eternity separated from Him because they did not accept His offer of Himself as an atonement  for their sin...the idea of tons of room for all fits all that He has revealed of His character to us...He wants everybody!  But in His wisdom, allows for us to choose to stay apart from Him..."love" that is forced isn't true love...He chose to die for us and lets us choose to accept His real sacrificial love and give it back to Him or to reject Him and His love as demonstrated by His Way of salvation from being slaves to sin and the death it brings...

Patricia N.
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Amazon relocating 1,800 employees out of downtown Seattle due to spiking crime:

Over the past few years, the area has seen increased open-air drug use, fencing of stolen goods, shootings, carjackings, and other violent crimes.

Mayor Bruce Harrell's office sent a statement to KOMO News regarding Amazon's announcement of relocating the employees which said, "Mayor Harrell is working every day to make downtown a safe and thriving neighborhood for residents, workers, and businesses."  However, even before the presser, almost half of those arrested were released due to Seattle's revolving door justice system.

This is yet another blow to Amazon's Seattle footprint. In 2019, the tech giant announced that thousands of employees would be moved from Seattle to nearby Bellevue, Washington, and the opening of other locations across the US.

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Hmmm...perhaps they are cranking things up to a dangerous level on purpose? ?

The pope is supposed to do a satanic ritual on March 25th. aka "consecrating" Russia to the "immaculate heart" of Mary. This is reference to the demonic ritual that appeared at Fatima, Portugal in 1917. Shortly after that, WW1 stopped. In 1984, the pope "consecrated" Russia to the "immaculate heart" of Mary and a few years later, Communism fell.

So, perhaps they are trying to set it up for when the pope does his satanic ritual, peace will happen. The world will be grateful and will laud the pope and the satanic apparition as great peacemakers.

Something to keep an eye on as we approach the end of March.

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They are definitely ramping things up. It's all part of "Their" plan which is ultimately all part of God's plan.

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couple links related to Arthur's post:


"The only way to convert Russia is for the Pope and the bishops, in union, at one specific time to Consecrate specifically Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Only then, will the world have Peace. The alternative of not obeying the command of the Queen of Heaven is annihilation of nations and enslavement."

-fair use for education and comment-

-fair use for education and comment-

I'm thinking they have never read Jeremiah chapter 44 in regard to God's thoughts and feelings regarding "the queen of heaven"

my thought w/o knowing much about all this stuff (& not really wanting to know more than i do now honestly)...since Mary the mother of Jesus hadn't even been born yet back then, it seems this is a specific false goddess who is an actual demon who later (after Mary gave birth to Jesus and lived and died) has convinced people to worship (him?) in the name of Mary in order to redirect their focus from the actual Savior- Jesus, God the Son- to not just Mary, but to himself(the demon/goddess)...anything but God....i guess demons are like their leader and their pride cause them to desire to be worshiped and they do all they can to make that's so sad how good at it they are, so sad to see the deception so successful and it's only gonna get worse...

I know we are still here and can still share The Truth...our Lord and Savior- Jesus Christ...I think it's Yeshua Hamashiach in Hebrew or Yehoshua...YHWH Saved/Saves/Will Save....The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is The One true God Who came in the flesh as God the Son - the only begotten of The Father...He alone died for our sin debt and was the only worthy atoning perfect sacrifice in our place as shown by His bodily Resurrection from the dead..Read Acts 4:8-12....and the gospels...Jesus never asked anyone to worship His mom or pray to her or elevate her as a goddess- obeying her and making offerings/sacrifices etc to her...He honored those who humbled themselves before God and followed Him as His disciples by blessing all of us who accept Him with His Spirit to indwell us after He returned to Heaven....



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Amen! Thank you for the links, gratefulforgrace. :thankyou

Lying signs and wonders will be prominent in the Tribulation and perhaps this is a birthpangs version of it.

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also, this   (I only read so far that a statue is there for this)  -fair use for education and comments-

And yes, what Arthur said makes a lot of sense that it will elevate the pope and bishops (and Mary and Roman Catholicism) in the world's eyes as great peace makers and even more people will put their hope in and focus on them instead of- or as just important as- Jesus...especially because of the world-wide coverage of Russia's invasion, and this "consecrating" thing is well known now on news, too- Glen Beck even had someone on talking about it earlier today....furthering the apostasy?!...closer and closer to our time to go Home!! :flyup:

Patricia N.
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Foreign Criminals Flying to U.S. on Tourist Visas to Rob Rich Californians:

Foreign nationals, primarily from South America, are flying to the United States on B-2 tourist visas for the purpose of burglarizing rich Americans in California, according to the Ventura County Sheriff’s Office.

A report by ABC7 News details the explosion of home and vehicle burglaries committed by robbery gangs from mostly Chile arriving in the U.S. via the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) on tourist visas.

Law enforcement agencies call it “crime tourism” — groups of thieves from South America traveling to California to burglarize homes.

Surveillance video released by Hillsborough police in Northern California shows a burglary crew believed to be from South America targeting a luxury home. It’s just one in a series of crimes involving burglars from out of the country, hitting homes in affluent communities up and down the state.

One Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) official called the crime tourists an “enormous threat right now in our country” that is growing by the day. Even after being arrested, though, the illegal aliens and foreign nationals face such low bail that they are often quickly released from police custody.

[Six homes in our not-so-rich neighborhood have been robbed.  The police suspect Chilean gangs, but they won't even dust for fingerprints.  They say if no one was home it was a victimless crime.  Now all the houses have installed motion-detector lights, cameras, and security systems.]

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Best to have our treasures in Heaven where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.

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