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I'm the same, Churchgal....always alert for any sounds that might indicate the imminent Rapture.

I also prick up my ears when I hear the works "breaking news" on TV, in case it's an announcement that dead bodies all over the world have suddenly disappeared.

Because we're all on Rapture high-alert lately, I got a fright when I came out of my bedroom a couple of nights ago and my adult daughter (who is saved), who lives with me, was nowhere in our home. She hadn't told me that she was going out anywhere that evening but I check the garage and was very relieved to see that her car wasn't there. She had popped out for a minute to the 7-11 store just down the road to pick up something. I know I won't be left behind in the Rapture, but I still felt a bit anxious for a couple of minutes! :wacko: :mdrmdr:

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That's funny Wendy! :mdrmdr:  I saw a picture joke one time that told the story of a church meeting where the elders got together to pull a prank on one of the members that always fell asleep during their meetings.....they brought some extra suits of clothes and laid them quietly across the chairs in the meeting room after the gentlemen fell asleep, then they stepped out a the room and blew a trumpet, so his awakening was quite a startle hearing that trumpet, seeing all those empty suits of clothes and thinking he had been left behind.....that's a pretty harsh joke but I also bet he didn't fall asleep in meetings after that..... :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:

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:mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:  Hilarious!!! I would have loved to have seen the look on his face when they woke up.

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churchgal- i agree with you about the rapture being as late as it possible can be before the antichrist confirms the covenant of fake peace...

only He knows exactly when that is, but He's definitely keeping us awake and alert to the season!!

my hubby and i have had lots of discussions the past 2 months about God's timing in his dealings with mankind...He is extremely patient - not wanting anyone to live or die without knowing Him, agreeing with Him, accepting Him and being known by Him- united for all Eternity- for their good and His glory...

we kept realizing how often God's seems to wait til the very last minute to act on our behalf/intervening directly in the affairs of man...i think it's really more the exact perfect minute and way that He knows all's us that get nervous as we see the seconds ticking by and the revving up of evil, suffering, pain, fear anxiety, frustrations etc...

our family has experienced this recently where we were very careful to ask God for clear guidance day after day and we'd follow in one direction then it'd get bumpy and we'd push forward and then it'd get rocky and steep and we'd wonder if the obstacles were a sign of guidance to us or opposition from the enemy...we realized anytime confusion and irritation prevailed, it was not of the Lord and not the way He wanted us to was a long wearying process that occasionally one or both of us "messed up" by leaning on own understanding/ability to "fix/figure out" things...but as soon as we turned back to Him, we had His peace and strength to move forward or do an about face and move forward, etc.  today we are ending this part of the journey with a very different outcome than we had hoped for or expected, but we are full of His peace and joy and He's given us a thankful heart as He's shown us His way, not just blessing our own plans and ways.  and we are blessed...and it is at what seems like the last minute on our timeline...but He is not bound by time and He is never surprised or fretful from unexpected things...He can handle everything...we just need to be a "weaned child" trusting in His provision- His way-His time...

i do think the harpatzo "snatching away" is telling in the terminology that we will be rescued in the nick of often it feels we can't go on, but He strengthens us and we do as we take one step at a time...maybe the Rapture is when we are all at danger at the same time as true Believers...of course, that can be at any time, because that will for sure be the case when things have gotten to the point where the AC is about to be revealed and make a covenant "better"...because that means he's out in the open active which is, I believe, part of God's wrath allowing him such power over people that they believe his lies of peace and safety and sign on to his plans that will swiftly lead to destruction of all that is good.

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p.s. before i could finish and post that, we experienced one last extreme bout of confusion and irritation w/ what we believed way His final answer/leading in the moving saga...i guess that can be allowed by the Lord, but is still from the enemy...maybe sometimes God does want it in order to break us to that point of reliance on Him instead of self-reliance...especially when the end is in sight and we are so ready to break thru the ribbon at the finished line- if we see it, or think we do...we kinda lose a little faith cuz of that "almost there" feeling and we just sprint w/ all our might when He still wanted us to rely on His provision of strength etc....He IS so patient with people...even His own who are sometimes slow learners like me....He got us pride here...He rid me of my self-sufficiency...He is good and gracious...a perfect Heavenly Father!  I just want to thank Him publicly for His provisions and remind us all to not quit, but to also not run ahead of Him and forget what we're running's all for Him and by Him...let's finish strong in HIS strength, not our own!!  To God be the glory!!!

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TR- that's pretty wild about your wife and daughters!  i do believe God works in unusual and very personal ways sometimes in order to build our/others' faith in Him!  i'd love to be going (preferably by way of rapture as part of the "alive & remain" group) to be together w/ my hubby in Heaven instead of w/ him in Kansas on Friday!!!....or today...yes, i vote for today!!! :yes: :flyup:

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This happened some 47 yrs ago and I just now remembered  Just something that I casually spoke tongue in cheek!  I really wasn't experienced in His ways or voice back then.  But while in the military taking a casual walk off base the Lord used my lips and voice to announce a miraculous event.  Walking with a non believer late one evening on our way beck to base on a calm and beautiful Mississippi evening all of a sudden I blurted out that when we reached a certain yard that a large tree would "uproot" and fall right in front of us.  I panicked concerned that I would like a crazy person and that God would be shamed, we kept walking.  This 30 ft tall did as it was spoken!  These were not my thoughts nor did I have time to process these words before hand let alone after the fact!  God still speaks to us all!  TR

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wow, TR!  amazing!  our Lord will use His willing vessels!

....(and even sometimes those who aren't His children like the guy in OT that wanted to make money i think by cursing the Israelites as hired to do and instead God blessed them thru his words (Balak?)

i feel like such a failure sometimes-like this evening- because i give in to my own feelings and say and do what i feel like instead of allowing the Holy Spirit's fruit of self control to rule...i get so upset about our daughter's rebellion against the Lord (and us) and all the struggles that her mental illnesses put us through, that i end up being a rebellious daughter myself to the perfect Father I am so blessed to be adopted by!  i don't let Him speak to and through me and I get in the way of the good He wants to and planned to do in and thru me.

i do pray we all be humble vessels willing to hold and pour out all God's's going to get more and more difficult the longer we are here, but i believe He will do such amazing things in the hearts and minds of unbelievers to help them be drawn to Him and become our brothers and sisters in Christ- and i know He wants to work thru us and let us be a part of what He is doing!

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God's love and patience with each of us amazing!  During those early days the Lord was busy building my faith.  As my first prayer before the Lord was for Faith, Wisdom and Patience!  I don't brag on myself, but rather on Him and His works!  May the Lord God Almighty bless your humble spirit!  May His wisdom flow from your lips and spirit!  Once He says "I forgive", it's a done deal!  PS:  I appreciated your spirit and your hearts position before the Lord!  TR

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thank you so much, TR, our Savior has blessed me thru your testimonies, prayer and words- He knew I needed the encouragement

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