Are we there yet . ...
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Are we there yet . . Rapture's THAT close ~

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So we will see how far this gets but it is about time somebody woke up — maybe I should move to Alberta - He won his case and proved the hoax

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:mdrmdr:   Good one, Dan. :good:


How close are we to the rapture?  

Someone posted  “we were at a Meijer grocery store outside of Cincinnati and on their door was a arm/hand sign which read “the power is in the hand.  Scan to save” (and a bar code was on the hand).  Creepy”

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Question … how important is this word “in” vs “on” when talking about  “the mark” in Revelation 13:16?

1599 Geneva 

And he made all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads.

King James Version

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

New King James Version

He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads



It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads,









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Is this the beginning of the overthrow of the fake evil NWO?

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WOW … this Patrick King is a hero!  We got to pray for his safety … he certainly has a bullseye on his back.   This is sure getting interesting …


Here are some comments from people who asked the Lord if they should get the vaxx …

My friend asked The Lord if she should get the V. He said WAIT! I think that means He is coming soooon.


He said wait to me too ever since it came out!! I’m a nurse, still waiting, month after month. Each month sine December 2020 is a victory to me! Still working! Hallelujah!


That’s the answer I got myself.


He told me NO in dec 2019 before their was a V, no V and no tattoo, no test heard it in my spirit plain as day


Me too! To God be the glory!


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I do think that there are many cracks appearing in the fascade.

That "Berlin Wall" is going to come down very soon and we are going to go up very soon. Maranatha! :prayer-hands:

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Isn't that what the Dragon said about the woman in Revelation 12?

You know, "Seize her! You disgust us!"

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:mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:  That’s clever, Dan!

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Geri, in regards to the MOTB being in or on the hand or forehead, here is an article that discusses it:


Many people insist that the Mark has to be an implant in the skin. Although the Greek word stigma' can mean prick (as well as a reference to a mark of ownership) and although the Greek wordcharagma' can mean etching (or a badge of servitude), this is not necessarily proof that the Mark has to be an implant.

The King James Version translated the Greek word "epi" to the English word "in" or "upon" for the following marks:

in their foreheads (Revelation 7:3)
his mark upon their foreheads, (Revelation 20:4)
or in their hands (Revelation 20:4)
in their right hand (Revelation 13:16)
in their foreheads (Revelation 13:16)
written in their foreheads (Revelation 14:1).

The word "epi" is usually translated as "upon" (also: come to, by, at, before and over). The King James Version translated the word 'epi' both ways in Revelation 20:4. We get our English word "epidermis" from the Greek. We also get our English word "hypodermic" from the Greek. You would never confuse the two English words. "Epi-dermis" is upon the skin, "hypo-dermic" is under the skin. In EVERY occurrence of the Beast's mark in your Bible, the Mark is "epi" (upon) the hand and forehead

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Again, in Cali a few years back a study was conducted to find the safest place on the human body to place an implant!

After a million dollars worth of research, the forehead and right hand seemed safest!


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Check out this MOTB advertisement. It came out almost a year ago and I'm just now seeing it for the first time from a Billy Crone video I just started watching.

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