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A pity....

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It is truly a pity that we are still here and that the AC is soon to take political office!

Again, I wrestle with idea that the Lord tarries for but one more member of His bride!

Truly am impatient to be called home and be with Him as the saints are continually being worn down!

Again, up to and after the Rapture many shall be saved!  The question then is how full must His bride be in number!?

All we can do is to continue in our longing and desire of Him and trust in His glorious plans and timing!

Be merciful Lord to one and all while yet considering the heart of your Bride!

Be lifted up, be glorified and be our first and last love all to your your glory!


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TR — great minds! I had that same thought pattern this morning as I was getting ready for work. I discussed this at length with the Lord and just ended up praying for all those that still need to receive him prior to us leaving and that they would b=please hurry so we could leave and be with the King of Kings. We are all tired for sure…. Body weary, but spirit remains hopeful that soon!

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This song came to mind this morning in my struggle to have patience. It’s old from Twila Paris.
