Depending on whom you ask, the definition of a “safe space” can vary significantly these days. Ask a culturally “woke” social justice warrior who has no idea who God really is, and you might get something like this: “A Safe Space is a place where anyone can relax and be able to fully express, without fear of being made to feel uncomfortable, unwelcome, or unsafe on account of biological sex, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, cultural background, religious affiliation, age, or physical or mental ability.” Ask a non-PC “conservative” with a Judeo-Christian worldview, and you might get something like this, as defined by one entry in the Urban Dictionary: “A place where cowards with cultural authoritarian and pro-censorship leanings go to in order to evade criticism and calling out of whatever absurd ideas they may express, as well as ideas that are even slightly opposed to the safe space dweller's ideas.” Well, I would like to propose an alternative, scripturally based definition of a safe space, which happens to clearly acknowledge the reality that God Himself is the original Creator of the concept of a true “Safe Space”. Here is my definition: A safe space is a place where the Lord God Almighty, in His grace and mercy, provides a way of escape from judgment for a remnant who have chosen to believe Him and act in faith.” And here are my examples to support this biblical definition: 1) Noah and His Family: The Lord created a safe space using the ark to protect Noah and his family when God destroyed the world by flooding. 2) The Israelites in Egypt: The Lord created a safe space for them in their homes, with the blood of the Passover lamb applied by faith to the doorposts, so that the Death Angel passed over and did not claim the life of the firstborn. 3) Rahab & Her Family in Jericho: The Lord spared Rahab and her entire family, as long as they stayed in their designated safe space of Rahab’s home on the wall in Jericho when the Israelites attacked. The Israeli spies made it very clear that Rahab and her family members’ blood would be on their own head if they were found outside of their safe space, but were committed to their salvation as long as they remained in Rahab’s house. 4) Born Again Believers at the End of the Age of Grace: when that trumpet sounds and those of us who are alive and remain after the dead in Christ are called up first, we will be caught up and taken back to Abba’s house, the ultimate safe space while God’s wrath is poured out on a God-hating, Christ-rejecting world for seven years. 5) The Remnant of Believing Israel: for the second half of Daniel’s 70th week, the Lord will provide a safe space (many biblical scholars believe it will be in Petra, hidden in the Rock) for the believing remnant of Israel who are fleeing the AC after the abomination of desolation takes place in the Temple. Praise God for His safe spaces throughout the Bible, and especially for the one He has promised to us as Age of Grace believers. Sadly this is no longer a safe place by any definition! Only in the arms of Jesus! TR