Call it what you will but the Global Elite want Donald Trump out of office and Rush Limbaugh is right. The Corona Virus is nothing more than the common cold. This virus has less than a 2% kill ratio. This World Wide Media Freak Out" is being orchestrated to throw the Trump Administration off its game and its being done to kill the Global Economy and the American public is feeding right into it. Up to 650 000 deaths annually are associated with respiratory diseases from seasonal influenza, according to new estimates by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US-CDC), the World Health Organization and global health partners. THIS VIRUS IS NO 1918 FLU VIRUS AND ITS CURRENTLY NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT IN MY OPINION. ITS NOT EVEN THE COMMON COLD YET. I can't speak to the severity of the outbreak itself, not having adequate information on the subject. What I do agree with wholeheartedly is that this is being used as a political weapon by the media. I believe the globalists would absolutely love to create a worldwide panic and an economic collapse in the hopes of taking down Donald Trump and the United States. They truly want a helpless and terrified public so they can control everything. Whether real or manufactured, these people will never let a crisis go to waste. Makes sense ... the democRATS couldn’t remove him from office with impeachment so they are going with sinister Plan B ... Trump gave a good speech last night reassuring the Americans they are on top of this virus and they quarantined the 15 people Americans that came back from Asia. 14 are well and 1 is still receiving treatment. He also called out Nancy Pelosi for stirring up trouble. For all the good intentions if there any to start with and all the high minded rhetoric, I simply don't like politics or politicians. That said, I agree that the medical community at large preys upon the fears of many, mostly the elderly. Officials of various governments also prey upon the fears of people whether by war, viruses, economic collapse or alien life! This campaign of fear is what will pave the way for the politics of a one world government and the reign of the AC! In any event, they will always overplay their hand. TR Just another example of how we desperately need the guidance and wisdom of the Holy Spirit in these perilous and final moments before the dispensation of grace comes to an end. Keep us as lovers of Truth and grant us a spirit of discernment, Abba, protecting us from deception until we are safely home with You and our Bridegroom. Maranatha!!! I just saw this headline in the newsfeed ... ”Elizabeth Warren wants to defund Trump’s border wall and use the money to fight coronavirus” Aha ... so this is the democRATs Plan B motive ... Never let a good crisis go to waste, eh? What would happen if there was a coronovirus outbreak in Mexico? Would they change their tune? Consider the "logic" of this proposal: Let's open our borders to everyone, with the potential for bringing in any sort of disease, and then spend billions of dollars on trying to stop the spread of diseases after they come in illegally. The wall would still be characterized as "racist." I spent the previous two weeks in Los Angeles and New York City, the two largest cities in the country. I didn't see anything that resemble panic in the populous. Everything was business as usual. On the flights I only saw one woman wearing a mask and not even for the entire flight. The media plays this up big time but I'm not seeing it in the places I've been.
This marks an increase on the previous global estimate of 250 000 – 500 000, which dates from over ten years ago and covered all influenza-related deaths, including cardiovascular disease or diabetes. The new figures of 290 000 – 650 000 deaths are based on more recent data from a larger, more diverse group of countries, including lower middle income countries, and exclude deaths from non-respiratory diseases.