Eek … too close for comfort. I still like paying with cash so they can’t track us … I hope we are long gone before the big switch over. Walmart and another local grocery store have set up their self check outs to only accept the plastic card … no cash. They are really putting the squeeze on us for electronic payments only. :prayer-hands: Please Lord, snatch us out of this mark of the beast payment system world … Yes! Lord pleeeeez come quickly! Any solution would need to address consumer protection, financial stability, and financial crime prevention. I wonder if ole ac himself has a solution on how to stablize crypto currency. He has to be behind the scenes, imo Behind the scenes yet actively involved! TR We have been looking a lot at the Hal Turner Ukraine take-aways / expectations here recently. I ran across this from a man I deeply respect with a different perspective -- Secretary Pompeo. Putin is a master strategist. Just posting it for thoughts / relevancy to RITANs... I respect Pompeo as well. I can't watch the vid right now but wanted to add that Putin is also an opportunist with a capital O Putin is definitely a sneaky snake. He is ex-KGB and knows what he is doing. He knows a good opportunity when he sees one and is going to exploit it Mind you, all the world leaders, pretty much to a person, are sneaky snakes. Very few ones left with integrity. As mentioned — Putin sees himself as a Russian Czar and nothing but God can stop him truly. He is part of the end times prophecy for sure……. Time for us to go Abba — we’re done visiting earth, ready to go home now! :prayer-hands: Yep Putin Believes He’s Destined to Make Russia Great Again.... restoring the USSR Heh heh. Soon and very soon, we are going to see the KING! :good: IMHO, this is really is our home, though. (Just needs some significant renos.) We are just going to take a short honeymoon while our Wonderful Bridegroom serves the eviction notice and evicts all the squatters. They are getting the boot! :yahoo: I like this article. ^^ Lol. I like this person's style: https://twitter.com/DefiantLs/status/1478057455942840333?s=20 https://twitter.com/DefiantLs/status/1484172605871509505?s=20