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2021 Off with Severe but Turbulent Hope – Let’s Buckle Up – Part 3.4

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Maybe that thing you wanted us to be hush hush about along with tension over the temple mount.  When they see Turkey making a move, they will all join in. Remember MFATW said they are forming alliances behind the scenes now.

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Is this truly “just” a drill or are we at war? :unsure:


US moves 35 fighter jets closer to China for attack drills

American Military News
July 19, 2021

The U.S. Air Force is sending 25 F-22 Raptors, 10 F-15E Strike Eagles, a pair of C-130s, and approximately 800 Airmen to Guam and Tinian in a display of the force’s strategic flexibility” that analysts say sends a message to potential adversaries like China.  On Monday, the Pacific Air Force announced the deployment of 35 fighter jets closer to China for attack drills ….

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Starts at 1:17 …..

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Heads up Florida!


Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis stepped up his criticism of President Biden’s immigration policy on Monday, warning that law enforcement personnel informed him that many migrants they encountered at the border were bound for his home state.

DeSantis targeted Biden shortly after the governor returned from a trip to the southern border in support of his move to send Florida law enforcement resources to Texas to assist with the local response to the immigration crisis. DeSantis said he was "surprised" by his discussions with state officers who were sent to the border.

"They’ve made over 2,000 apprehensions, over 100 felony arrests, and they say that almost 70% of everybody that they have interdicted said their ultimate destination was the state of Florida," DeSantis said at a press conference. "If you think that having a wide-open border, 1,000 miles, however far it was away doesn’t affect here, you’re wrong."

"If you have a huge percentage that are going to try to come to Florida, and I think Biden is paying for tickets on buses and flying folks around, that’s going to have a huge impact on community services, on education, on health care, it’s going to effect taxpayers to a huge, huge extent. The policy there needs to change," DeSantis said.

DeSantis is one of several prominent GOP lawmakers who have criticized the Biden administration’s response to the border crisis. Biden officials argue the president inherited a dysfunctional immigration system and reversed several Trump-era immigration policies that were cruel and inhumane.

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Looks to be a toss up … farmer in the dell Billy Gates buying up the farmland vs. dragon China?   Either or … just more GMO chemical laced processed food to make us ill to the gills :negative:     Please rescue us, Lord, we so long for the Promise Land up yonder!


China is buying up American farms. Washington wants to crack down.  Bipartisan pressure is building to stop foreign nationals from purchasing American farm operations and receiving taxpayer subsidies.


By Ryan McCrimmon


The push to drain China’s influence from the U.S. economy has reached America’s farm country, as congressional lawmakers from both parties are looking at measures to crack down on foreign purchases of prime agricultural real estate.

House lawmakers recently advanced legislation to that effect, warning that China’s presence in the American food system poses a national security risk. And key Senate lawmakers have already shown interest in efforts to keep American farms in American hands.

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Bill Gates Venture Aims To Spray Dust Into The Atmosphere To Block The Sun.


Microsoft’s billionaire founder Bill Gates is financially backing the development of sun-dimming technology that would potentially reflect sunlight out of Earth’s atmosphere, triggering a global cooling effect. The Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx), launched by Harvard University scientists, aims to examine this solution by spraying non-toxic calcium carbonate (CaCO3) dust into the atmosphere — a sun-reflecting aerosol that may offset the effects of global warming.

Widespread research into the efficacy of solar geoengineering has been stalled for years due to controversy. Opponents believe such science comes with unpredictable risks, including extreme shifts in weather patterns not dissimilar to warming trends we are already witnessing. Environmentalists similarly fear that a dramatic shift in mitigation strategy will be treated as a green light to continue emitting greenhouse gases with little to no changes in current consumption and production patterns.


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Enviromentalists seem more preoccupied with controlling human nature and thought rather than intelligently addressing issues of concern!


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Evil upon evil — Billy G has finalized his place in the dark underworld for sure. He a Georgie Boy Soros will have heat waves of remembrance of a time that wasn’t for all eternity. We can put Faulsi into that group along with piti-loosy and right next door in angony-vile is the Clint-offs and O’s — there are so many more …. Their eternal party will not be a dry bed but encrusted with an inferno of anguish.

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Starts at 8:24 marker …. this is Lisa’s take on the why China is buying up the U.S. farmland …


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