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2021 Off with Severe but Turbulent Hope – Let’s Buckle Up – Part 3.4

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Mum's the word!  =  Brithish mother, woman, queen!


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Erdogan is greedy and treacherous. You absolutely cannot take him at his word. He is a psychopath with an extreme lust for power all out of proportion to reality.

I could very well see him making a fake peace deal with Israel and then stabbing her in the back. Perhaps with the Rapture, that will be the key that unleashes the Gog Magog War, their subsequent quick defeat and the rise of the Antichrist.

All these things could happen in September. A definite possibility.

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All the nations still seem to walk a political tightrope while covert activities continue!

I find that curious!  Guess the Holy Spirit is still restraining!  Until the Rapture that is!  Given that most nations don'tt care about their own people!  Ergo, the vaccinations, holding camps and guillotines!




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Starts at 2:10


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Once Saudi Arabia joins, other countries will follow because they all fear Iran. They still hate Israel but will align with her only to stop Iran who is an immediate problem

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Great article on 5 doves entitled Rapture timing!

From the rare, to the common place!


Attacking of Christian's just does'nt make sense on so many levels, yet it highlights the demonic influence!

Truly, we are seeing the day approach!  While wearisome it sparks excitement in our Blessed Hope!


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Great Salt Lake is shrinking fast and scientists demand action before it becomes a “toxic dustbin”

July 17, 2021


The Great Salt Lake is also known as America’s Dead Sea — owing to a likeness to its much smaller Middle Eastern counterpart — but scientists worry the moniker could soon take a new meaning.

Human water consumption and diversion have long depleted Utah lake. Its level today is inches away from a 58-year low, state officials say, and Western drought conditions fueled by the climate crisis have exacerbated conditions. The worst part? It’s only July, and the lake historically doesn’t reach its annual low until October.

Lucy Kafanov of CNN and Kevin Perry ride bikes Tuesday on the dry lake bed playa of the Great Salt Lake. “I have never seen it this bad — not in my lifetime,” said Andy Wallace, soaring over the body of water in a prop plane, as he’s done for years as a commercial pilot. Simply put, the largest salt lake in the Western Hemisphere is shrinking rapidly.

Left alone, the lake’s footprint would span 2,100 square miles — more than three times the area of Houston. An analysis published last year showed that water siphoned off the rivers that feed the natural wonder had reduced its level by 11 feet, depleting the lake area by more than half. “Twenty years ago, this was under about 10 feet of water,” said Kevin Perry, chairman of the department of atmospheric sciences at the University of Utah, as he rode a bike in July across the desiccated lake bed.

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Yep, the way I see it … we are not wanted here … fine, our job is done.  The Lord is going to give this unsaved world their wish and they will soon regret it.  It’s time for the church to disappear! :yahoo:

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Sean Osborne @ Eschatology Today July 18, 2021 at 4:30 PM


How could Naftali Bennett secure his position as PM and dominate Israel's politics for the foreseeable?


By doing what Bibi Netanyahu and several American presidents had promised and failed to deliver on - preemptively striking Iran with overwhelming military force in an elimination of its nuclear weapons program. Not a set-back, but a total destruction.

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5.4 earthquake hits Borazjan, Iran

Borazjan is roughly a 40 mile distance from Bushehr. This is the second magnitude 5 earthquake to hit the area of Iran's Busheir Nuclear Facility in less than two weeks


Just wondering what is going to be the final straw to trigger the war?  Iran’s nuke facilities shut down for good or we have P.M. Bennett now allowing the Jews to pray on the Temple Mount and the radical Muslims and Jordan King Abdullah are ticked off by this … :popcorn

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