2020 Off to a Roari...
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2020 Off to a Roaring Start--Better Buckle Up

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Hmmm ...

According to Times of Israel news

Pentagon now says 11 US troops were hurt in Iran missile strike
Military says soldiers airlifted to Germany and Kuwait to be treated for concussion from blasts, despite US earlier saying no troops were injured in Jan 8 attack ....

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Day 18th of the New Year and we have chaos in the streets of Jordan. :popcorn


Hundreds protest in Jordan against gas deal with Israel
Demonstrators in Amman chant slogans against Jewish state, call for cancellation of multi-billion-dollar contract to buy gas from field off Israeli coast

Times of Israel
17 January 2020, 8:27 pm

AMMAN, Jordan (AP) — Hundreds of Jordanians demonstrated in downtown Amman on Friday, calling on the government to cancel an agreement in which Israel began pumping natural gas to the kingdom this year.

Jordanian security forces prevented the protesters from reaching symbolic Al-Nakheel Square in the capital, where the turnout had been expected to grow larger.

Earlier this month, Jordan’s National Electric Power Co., said gas pumping had started as part of a multi-billion-dollar deal with Texas-based Noble Energy aimed at lowering the cost of power in the energy-poor kingdom.

Noble Energy and Israel’s Delek Group are, among others, partners in the newly operational Leviathan gas field off Israel’s Mediterranean coast.

In a statement then, NEPCO said importing the gas from Israel was “the last option” after supplies of Egyptian gas came to an end after its pipeline was repeatedly targeted by Islamic State-affiliated militants in Sinai. NEPCO said Israel was “the only available source.”

At odds with the kingdom’s official policy, many Jordanians still see Israel as an enemy and often meet steps toward normalization with great public backlash. Over half the population are believed to be Palestinian refugees or their descendants.

Dozens of police Friday formed lines to prevent protesters from marching. The demonstrators chanted anti-Israel slogans and held banners reading, “The gas of the enemy is an occupation!” and “Down with the gas deal.”

The Jordanian flag-waving protesters also threatened to overthrow the government if it sticks by the gas deal.

Murad al-Adayleh, secretary-general of the Islamic Action Front Party, called on the government, “which has allowed the start of importing the gas,” to step down.

When the deal was signed in 2016, it was not reviewed by Jordan’s lower house of Parliament. Last year, that body issued a non-binding resolution against the agreement.

A parliament session was planned for Sunday to submit an urgent memo requesting a ban on gas purchases from Israel.

The $10 billion deal is expected to provide 45 billion cubic meters of Israeli gas to Jordan over the next 15 years.

From the same Leviathan gas field, Israel has also begun exporting natural gas to Egypt. On Friday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu boasted about the move, saying on Twitter that he has labored to make Israel a “world power exporter.”

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What a cry the world would mount if Israel didn't share their wealth or their accomplishments and expertise with others!

All but for that one forbidden fruit, all others were lost!



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Jordon is biting the hand that feeds them.

Cheap natural gas would help their economy. Desalinization plants require a lot of energy.

If they would work with Israel, they could make the desert bloom.

It’s sad but all part of the plan.


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Isn’t it comforting to know  all things must one day bow to God’s will

Christ's church called forth,  our journey soon done on earth

These days,  in this weary world ,  we are feeling tired of battling evil’s  cold chill

We do anticipate more intensely,   the soon rapture call  and all its Worth


~ ~ oh, Father, we desire to be at Heaven’s altar to adore our King reigning ~ ~  Jesus Infinite in keeping us ~ ~  ever His ordaining ~

Still  ~ ~ ~    we continue to wait with learned patience,  and with valued thanksgiving

to be watchful as You teach us daily, the measured  worth of praying

Is this the year, our Lord’s great call for the Bride,   is it near, we fully realize

being the Heavenly Bride ~transformed complete in the air, ~ ~beautiful and rare ~

~ ~       ~  we are so ready to hear  ~ ~  ‘come forth’  ..

So ready to enter  where Heavenly hosts  gather there  ~~ ~at Heaven’s altar, happy we sing

oh, what Rapturous melody!    rejoicing over our King   ~ ~,   thanking our God  amidst Holy fire ~

yes!  ~~  oh, for that thrill ~~  to be caught up higher and higher  ,  ~ ~~    ready made for  landing on God’s  Holy Hill  ~

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Dearest Donna, I do so love your spirit!  Your love of God and the Rapture speaks of the intimate relationship you offer the Lord!

The words that flow from you lips only magnify the disposition of your heart!  Please continue to encourage and bless all, as you share your praises of Him!  You are certainly God's cheerleader!


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Your kind words are so encouraging, T.R. . .  it takes one to know one on fire for the Lord ~ ~ this site is blessed to share such depth arrested in God's joy  ~~ ~ ~ He delights over His family, surely . .  and has written down in our books our conversations here, I have no doubt . .    ~  to know our God,  our Lord has torn the veil inviting His dear children to come close to His Holy Heart,  . . not even the angels  experience that . .  oh, HOW our God loves His dear saved,  at the glory of His honor and His joy set before Him, as promised in John 17   . . ~ ~ ~

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It would be wise of me to say, that whatever words of encouragement I offer to one of my siblings, I offer to all!

I highly encourage every believer and every saint whether old or new to bless the Lord with the words He has hidden in each of your hearts!  For when He is magnified, His heart is magnified!


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Day 21 and we have this ...  “Get Ready, Peace Plan Imminent” :yahoo:

Per Gary at Unsealed.org

What were just rumors a few days ago are now boiling over.  Even opposition candidate Benny Gantz, who previously opposed the peace plan's unveiling before the March 2nd elections, has now changed his tune and is called for the plan to be released immediately.

According to The Jerusalem Post:

The entire peace team, Kushner, Berkowitz, and Hook, will arrive in Israel on Wednesday [1/22], while dozens of foreign leaders are visiting the country.

This news is coming as leaders from 46 countries are converging on Jerusalem to celebrate the Fifth World Holocaust Forum, which will be held this Thursday, January 23rd, in Jerusalem.  Might it be Balaamic prophecy that Israel's Foreign Minister Israel Katz just declared that the forum will be "the biggest event since the establishment of the state"?

Many of the world's top leaders will be in attendance, including Vladimir Putin, Emmanuel Macron, Prince Charles, and the presidents from Germany, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Finland, Georgia, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, and Ukraine, as well as prime ministers from Czechia, Denmark, and Sweden, and kings from Belgium, Netherlands, Norway, and Spain.  Vice President Mike Pence will also be in attendance along with Jared Kushner.

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Posts: 3595
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Joined: 5 years ago

Looks very interesting. Practically the whole world is coming to Israel. Hmmm...

Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision.

Joel 3:14 New King James Version (NKJV)
14 Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision!
For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision.


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