Bet they are not 6 feet apart or wearing mask. Outside of having their security guards with the guns to protect them —— oh vey! Gotta go home, home i... Yes, Todd, there really is a crazy world! It is the same in my world, I see an increase on crazy, violence, abandonment, and bad behavior.... people s... Thanks TR — I apologize, I tried to simmer down skippy, but this “new world” is just so unbelievable and sad at the same time. I just want to go home ... Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a futur... Ok so that is way beyond ridiculous, unbelievable.... if folks don’t vote him out, they get what he throws out .... has anyone checked him for mental ... Amy, that would be great for us, as my hubby has a PT job as a solar Salesman, been a roller coaster ride during Covid but lots of time for both sermo... What clause—- nope, never read a clause, Yohanan did you see a clause? Beats me on how that was missed —- just got so excited to see that Sister Geri ... Yes I did! :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :flyup: Yep and hurricane season is not over yet ... first time ever from what I can determine :good: going to be a wet one for us come Friday, but not as wet... It is exciting once again, to see the possibility of our flight home on Yeshua 777 - ticket in hand :yahoo:
Interesting to here the “green” light for... Posted this else where but if fits with the discussion in the first part of this string ... Billy Crone did a great job laying it out on who satan has... Satan’s ultimate plan - destroy God’s creation in His image. Awesome how he has manipulated the globalist elite as his pawns to carry out his desire a... Yohanan, as hard as this is to say, I think we need to start the final chapter of this ongoing saga - chapter 7 - perfection, completion, going home s... Amy, nothing I can find except in Cali, posted yesterday! The website looks very well done Jdfarag.org :good: David, I haven’t look at the solar system alignment in a few months ... is the dragon still near Mars, with the church going up and Israel coming down... How can anyone in their right mind (May be the problem), even to think that having the party that sanctions this behavior among its supporters, of thr... Regina, it’s beautiful, thank you for sharing! Very encouraging indeed 🙂 MWS — You could send it to Chip Foose for a paint job and that would be yeah, that’s a NO not even for Hermie —- maybe “the hand” (no eyes) :mdrmdr: :... I’m bring the popcorn drizzled with chocolate :popcorn :popcorn Saw that YT - thanks for posting Blake, amazing how Believers around the world can see the need for a re-election of Trump, but some with their home i... Now you’re talking! I love cemeteries, the older, historic ones are the best! So many headstones to read and so little time! :mdrmdr:
It has often bee... Oh boy! Unity of the species is common in the animal kingdom :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: That’s the ticket :mdrmdr: TR - we could be getting squirrelly for the delay :mdrmdr: :calvin :mdrmdr: Lee, took a look at the sight, has some great info, but a bit much for me, but thanks for the link :thankyou Ok, so you have gone off the deep space end ... you should have stopped at the coffee and cake theme :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:
That fur piece would be a bit ... I’m probably going to get blasted or offend several family members here but the word classic does not come to mind .... instead the word junk does, ju... And as posted on another string, 1 John 2:18 “Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists ...
Last seen: August 27, 2024 1:39 pm