Merry Christmas Dan and Kolleen and all RITAN
SOON! :prayer-hands:
I thought you might enjoy reading this article I just came across: How To Legally Refuse a Vaccine. It’s pretty telling, but good knowledge to keep on... Merry Christmas RITAN family .... very restful day, quiet ... not unlike the horrid thunderstorms and tornado activity and warnings going off until 03... TR —— per your words my brother “May we be found in Heaven before the devil knows we’ve been Raptured!” —- it will not matter if he even sees us ascen... We are certainly seeing the beginnings of the works of evil becoming more and more openly blatant. Bombing of an American convoy in Iraq, wars and inc... Good article, I always like reading Monkey, he’s pretty straightforward. Now the next thought, if rapture doesn’t occur this week or next .... Trump h... Just think we get a glorified body just like the Saviors ....
Philippians 3:20-21 “But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, t... As stated in My Fair Lady —- “wouldn’t it be lov-a-ly” (said in your best English accent) :mdrmdr: :popcorn Yep, spicy through and through; I have the Lord to thank for this strange brain of mine :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: So it’s all His fault! :wacko: Make... Yes brother and that is only in our galaxy, God created an entire multi-layered cosmic universe, unbelievable His great power and might, yet He cares ... Now Geri, you know you thought it too! I just got the skinny on ya! :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :wacko: TR shame —- Geri is not old, just seasoned like the rest of us :mdrmdr: ... fermented and aged to perfection, like a great vintage! Just remember be careful not to waste cyber bites :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: oh boy! What a year, getting a bit giddy, anticipation and lots of prayer, wonder ... There are times when I do feel alien; a funny story —- long ago in the mid sixties, my two girlfriends an I were playing on the school playground, it ... Yes I find it very intriguing how God set the planets to orbit .... The sun as the center of our universe ( can’t live without it) .... God is the cen... Oh how you tease! :popcorn :popcorn :prayer-hands: :flyup: :prayer-hands: :flyup: :prayer-hands: :flyup: :popcorn Excitement is building! Let it be so... Not too dash any hopes but the conjuncture does appear every 20 years, this great conjuncture is every 400 years apparently per the Rice University vi... So very true - we idolize anything, everything, and most anyone! We want a physical King, instead of God Almighty .... we must know everything to the ... Yohanan- finger stutter, double post :mdrmdr: I only got the binoculars and it was to overcast, will try this evening.... God is amazing, always! Can... :mdrmdr: put Falsy in a pin-strip suit with shortened pants, bow tie (picture a used car salesman) - you can trust me, I have MD behind my name —- per... TR —- your 3-day sign. They are the closest today in conjunction. They can be seen until the first of the year, then they are too close to the sun to ... Very interesting indeed —- of course it’s only going to get worse and worse as he puts it ... thanks for sharing, so many things happening continually... Really cool to watch, but then I’m a science geek... going to try to see them tomorrow if the weather clears. So I guess by 7420 we will be somewhere ... Blue, I made Gingerbread men and peanut butter cookies today (haven’t made these in 15 years easy), there might be some left for the new inhabitants. ... Arthur, no doubt Hawking was a brilliant mathematician, but as he was a self proclaimed atheist, his biblical view was short sighted by far. The Mayan... Robert, maybe this will be the showing of the “Bethlehem Star” that will greet the Bride of Christ as we fly by it upward. It was a sign of the greate... Now if the other 42 governors would have this heart for God, we might see a brief enormous addition to our royal family as individuals turn to accept ... Yep read it’s 1.8 trillion - that might cause the CCP to growl a bit.... So per TR’s earlier funny, would that be like Turkey Jerky :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: Actually that would be venison jerky :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: remember, beef = cows
Last seen: August 27, 2024 1:39 pm