She truly has been a shinning encouragement of God in the midst of the storms of life. Thank you for sharing this clip. :prayer-hands: Very interesting indeed ... anybody hear anything of our friend and suspect Jared Kushner? He and Ivanka have certainly gone MIA in their new rental h... So I have gotten that eye roll, or dear-in-the-headlights look, or even, “you can’t really be serious” for years now! I just tell myself, guess who’s ... TR (or should I say Vine Man :mdrmdr: ), sorry couldn’t resist brother! Anyway, well said ... some days I almost feel like my spirit is going to leap ... Ditto for me as well! It is very humbling to even think about God being my Father, my Savior, my King, and my Lord— I can relate to Peter and Paul! :p... Well my nick name is Tig’ger if that’s helpful! Yep! Right from the Winnie the Pooh gang, probably because of my high energy level, hate to think it w... Blue, I like to say I was liberated from legalism. The church I was saved in as a teenager was a right-wing fundamentalist, we hate everybody kind of ... Kent, you did the right thing by not attending the false churches ... it is truly heartbreaking to see what many churches have become. I’m thankful fo... The fruit of the vine may not be to your liking but being a keeper of the vine does not necessarily mean you have to drink it :wacko:
As Geri mention... Joan I looked up the Hebrew and your name is the feminine of John or Yohanan ...
The name ultimately derives from the Biblical Hebrew name יוחנן Yôḥā... I was down in our ED today and we are slammed full yet again, variety of reasons, but a lot of depression and folks with suicidal ideations (SI), and ... TR — I found this for you ..
What does Yod Heh Vav Heh mean?
The Name is represented by the Hebrew letters Yod-Heh-... So Arthur, had to look it up ... typically we think of your name as Welsh in origin from King Arthur... but I did find a “loose” version in Hebrew
He... I heard a sermon long ago and far away about our new name. Can’t remember who preached it, believe it was a visiting evangelist during chapel at Bible... Ok so I’m nerdy but I own a dvd of the Abyss and watch it on occasion as I do believe it holds a key to the alien (demonic) influence that will most a... I love being a June Bride, course I was married on May 31, so that works too! :yahoo:
Per the question about accessing The Chosen — the app is the ea... Yep! Any-minute or imminent :mdrmdr: :prayer-hands:
I am ready for flt 777 to my heavenly home ... the time of the Gentiles must be coming to a close... Aren’t we all! My brain needs a data dump periodically, it’s so crazy the amount of dis-information and information now days, certainly speaks to the ... No, sorry you misunderstood, I’m not in Canada....I’m a true Southern Belle :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: Not according to my brothers! :mdrmdr:
I have traveled ... What, you don’t want a new neighbor who resembles some strange green looking demon? :dieu:
My picture skills are not what they used to be :wacko:
&n... As we are delayed at the moment I will get to watch episode five of season two of the chosen in a few minutes ... it is a great depiction of Jesus lif... Absolutely! Canada (as Arthur can speak too) is already out of control with arrests of pastors. We pray, watch, and seek wisdom! God’s Will be done ..... Looking Up,
You are among great company! God’s promise is sure! I’ve been watching since 1978 and never before this year has his call for the bride b... I probably didn’t ask my question correctly, so I did my on research and found my answer as to the significance of the constellation of Gemini and it’... My apologies for hi-jacking the string but my mom used to play that when I was very young and it just hit me as nostalgic— the comic Bill Bailey I had... O, I’m with you TR, I do sing praise to the Lord on my way into the hospital every morning and thankful, I don’t carpool :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:
T... Ken Johnson did a video on this as well. I don’t have the link, but just do a search on his name and Gaza and you’ll find it. Looking up! Thank you and ditto on letting me know how we can pray for you, as you too continue to serve. The saddest thing for my husband and myself ... A few months ago, I felt lead to begin praying God’s Word back to Him, it really does change your prayer time.
As in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 “Rejoice ...
Last seen: August 27, 2024 1:39 pm